By Megan Kelley
Review Writer
Students in Lake Orion put down their technology and picked up a book to participate in reading month this March.
Students in the LOCS district were surprised by special guest readers thoughout the month, including Lake Orion superintendent Marion Ginopolis, State Senator Rosemary Bayer and State Representative John Reilly.
Many other volunteers also dedicated some time out of their days to come and share their love for reading with elementary school classrooms.
Elementary schools throughout the district focused on getting students more interested in reading by holding contests and challenging them to set and meet their own reading goals.
Carpenter Elementary was one of the schools in the district that did just that.
Carpenter hosted many guest readers, held a bookmark contest, had students vote in the book bracket, held a book swap and had a read-in pajama day.
To wrap up the festivities, on March 28, Carpenter students filled the cafeteria to celebrate their acheivements throughout the month.
Principal Adam Weldon surprised everyone by reading the winner of the book bracket, The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors by Drew Daywalt, to the school.
Weldon had challenged students to reach a school-wide reading goal. If the goal was reached, each grade would receive an extra recess with Principal Weldon.
Carpenter students read for more than155,096 minutes during the month of March and cheered as they acheived their goal and were granted an extra recess before the end of the year.
“But just because March is over doesn’t mean we should stop reading, right?” Weldon asked his students to a resounding, “Right!”
For more photos see the April 3 issue of The Lake Orion Review.
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