Jotting through the year-end file

Enjoyed the contrast in Class D football teams in the State playoffs last month. Crystal Falls Forest Park vs New Lothrop.
CFFP is over 11 hours drive from Ford Field in Detroit. They spent first night in Mt. Pleasant. I believe they have 95 in high school, with less than 20 suited for the game.
The coach looks like a hard-working Yupper, down on his luck and his assistant is about the same, only younger (facial hair, plaid shirt and jeans).
New Lothrop is 45 minutes from Ford Field and their sidelines are full of players, well dressed coaches, tenders, medics and Gatorade stands. Just kidding about the stands.
CFFP’s head coach, I think they said, has a construction company and the assistant has a service job that gives him flex time to coach. They have no spotter communications.
New Lothrop coaches have headphones, etc. just like the pros.
I wish Crystal Falls could have won. I hate New Lothrop. I hated them when I played for Morrice High School. One of their baseball players spiked me, cutting the skin on my left ankle. I don’t forget things like that. Some hates run very deep.
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Teachers of medical students should make this lesson extremely clear:
‘No patient cares how much you know until they know how much you care.?
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Shayna loves the bass guitar beat on Johnny Cash records, lasagna, a salad of marshmallows, pineapple and mandarin oranges and family dinners when several attendees feed her as she lies under the table.
Is bald ‘in? for former newscasters? Mort Crim seems to be letting more of his forehead show. The D.O.C guy, too.
Some teacher friends are concerned about the title character from the tv show ‘Ugly Betty,? having too much hair, too dark eyebrows and braces, prompting even more teasing in schools.
One thing I can’t stand about talk radio is all the talk.
One thing I’m thankful for is the mute button on my remote when color commentators try to fill every second of tv games and when sideline reporters come on to add absolutely nothing to the game.
Shayna, going down a flight of stairs ahead of me, reminds me of a Las Vegas showgirl.
I will certainly get on board any move to leave our clocks alone.
Our representatives are in session in Washington D.C., 97 days a year, for which they get paid $165,000, plus a whole lot more benefits that we get.
We lie to ourselves through life. I’ll be up as soon as I find one more piece to this puzzle. I’ll have just one more cigarette. This is my last beer.
Here’s a biker tongue twister: Blake’s black bike’s back brake bracket block broke.
I’ve been told cannibals won’t eat clowns cause they taste funny.
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Here’s some facts about the new ball being used this year by the National Basketball Association teams.
You didn’t know the ball was new? Well, it is and it is made of microfiber composite, not leather.
It took Spalding eight years to develop it and each team is issued 75 annually. It took one to two months to break in the leather ball and there is no break-in time on the new one.
The new one will bounce 80,000 times, 10,000 more than the leather. The new one costs $99.99 vs $37.50 for the old ball.
It takes 167,847,043 new balls, placed side by side, to span the earth’s circumference. If they started in China they’d end in China, which is where both balls are made.
This just in . . . the NBA announced its New Year’s resolution . . . they’re going back to the leather balls January 1.

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