If you sprang forward March 10, now you fall

One of our governments (state or US) has us springing our clocks forward in March and falling back in November. This year that was November 3.
Why did our leaders get us into this system, and when?
I was sure it had something to do with farmers. You know, when to milk a cow, slop the hogs. This all started when cows and hogs could tell time.
No. It started with the British. They wanted darkness to come an hour later. They wanted additional daylight for recreation in the evening. That’s what my World Book says.
See if that agrees with your inter or outer net.
It also made sense to them during World War I for economic reasons.
Like a good soldier, the United States copied it in 1918. A year later Congress repealed the law, but many cities, counties and change-minded peoples made their own choices.
Two areas of Indiana, one in the northwest corner, the other in the southwest corner, do not change times.
When I saw the reminder in my Old Farmer’s Almanac I guessed the ‘time change? reason was farming.
That’s the first time I remember being wrong. Our Washington-elected have yet to admit being wrong even once.
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One more shot at the Old Farmer’s Almanac. Predictions for November 2012: below average temperatures, showers and flurries, then sunny and warmer, rain then sunny.
Talk about covering your behind? No wonder they can claim 80 percent accuracy.
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? I find the further I go back, the better things were whether they happened or not
? In 1991 America turned a culinary corner — that’s when we spent more money on salsa than catsup.
? Everything has an end, except sausage, which has two.
? A best friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.
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During New York Mayor Bloomberg’s talks on Sandy-storm’s effects on his city, a lady sign language expert translated his remarks before the camera.
I was totally fascinated by her translating his words into words for the deaf. And, Bloomberg is not a slow talker. My compliments too, to those who could read the signs so fast.
We’ve had a good worker (who happens to be somewhat deaf) in our print shop for over 20 years.
When he explains something to me I have to relate it to where we are in the building, and sometimes I pretend to understand.
Our workers who are around him more seem to put his hand and lip movements together pretty good.
Like I said, Jimmy’s a great worker, a fine individual and is very aware of everything going.
He said he follows the signed news fine, but sometimes he asks his college teacher to go slower. I asked all my college instructors to talk slower. The two of us never got together on sign language.
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? Skunks start hibernating on November 19.
? Black bears are heading to their dens and lobsters are moving to offshore waters.

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