If you have to do it, do it

Don’t you just love listening to some reporters asking some politicians questions who give answers like, ‘That’s currently under investigation.?
Or, ‘I’ll get back to you on that.? It’s immediately forgotten.
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Two years after I got my discharge from the Navy, I had to take a physical to try out for Western Michigan University’s basketball team.
That required an x-ray. That showed I had tuberculosis. Under Navy rules, if tuberculosis was found within six months of discharge, I was to receive $67 per month in disability payments for the rest of my life.
Soon as I got my first check, I opened a savings account at the bank in Vernon.
If you believe that you’re nuts.
I’m 20-years-old with no obligations, no responsibilities. Time to start spending it — all on me!
To date that figure adds up to $52,000. So thanks taxpayers for $52,000 worth of good times.
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How can our governor and legislators establish confidence in we voters when it seems budgets are just a never kept promise? They know our needs, but they also know there are backers who expect legislative recognition. They don’t even seem to pretend to follow one of my ‘live by,? self-imposed promises: PLAN AHEAD BE AHEAD.
So far that promise got me four community newspapers and a printing company.
Under that one rule of mine, maybe our roads, our water lines, streets and sidewalks would be fixed and maybe our cities, counties, etc. would be okay.
Let’s get away from our governmental practices of ‘borrow ahead, be behind.?
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It was bound to happen:
The anti-Americans have come together to eliminate bacon and other smoked meats from normal peoples? favorite meats. The Veggies — no, I am gonna? call them Greenies — are winning. Prepare for another push by the rutabagas to attack our hog’s meat gifts from our founders.
Look for the starting series of greenie ads denouncing weiners while praising turnips for school lunches.
Look for some promotions urging Americans to watch for their favorite kale in the new vending machines.
Slaughter houses will be picketed by greenie promoters, who insist brussel sprouts are better for your babies than mother’s milk. That’s how nuts some of the greenie sickos are.
That’s the way I feel about those who disagree with me.
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Sleep is my drug? my bed is my dealer and my alarm clock is the police.
Stop acting like a child – Get out of my fort.
As long as there are tests, there will be prayers in schools.
There are plenty of onlookers, but no witnesses.

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