Housing help for ducks

Ducks flying through the Clarkston have a new place to hang their hats, thanks to Clarkston High School students Dylan Hitchcock and Eric Nordquist.
As junior high students last year, they took on the duckhouse building project as their academic service learning project.
“I believe in conserving wildlife and land here,” said Hitchcock, a hunter. “Wood ducks have been over hunted at one time ? now we want to help them out.”
The students worked with Ducks Unlimited conservation group and North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy to find a good spot for their work.
“The kids did everything,” said Jon Paddock, student leadership teacher at Clarkston Junior High.
“Service learning takes what they learn in the classroom and puts it in the real world.”
Another benefit of the project was getting young people involved in conservation, said Chuck Myers, district chair for Ducks Unlimited.
“It’s great to get the schools, NOHLC, and Ducks unlimited involved,” Myers said.
Joan Harbaugh, NOHLC sterwardship committee chair and board member, suggested wetlands in the conservancy’s 60-acre Nolte Breenan land.
“It’s a beautiful area,” Harbaugh said. “This is a good opportunity for all of us, especially the ducks.”

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