Hang on, here we go into the land of wonder

1,000 people die each year from flu vaccinations.
20,000 people die each year from the flu.
Now comes a flu named after a pig, then changed so as not to offend swine; 100 have died from it, but it got our attention away from depressions, war and global warming.
One (me) can only wonder why our government wanted to divert our minds. Is it to sneak something past us and the legislature? Who is really behind this, and other, actions?
Is it really a case of ‘don’t let any crisis go unused.? Overreact, now!
? My favorite television mystery show now is ‘The Mentalist.? How long has it been on? I’ve only seen 4 episodes. I’ve seen that many re-runs of ‘CSI? and ‘Law and Order.?
? DTE Energy has been making calls asking people to restrain their dogs. I have Shayna, but got no call. A friend has a cat, and she got a call. I don’t know if the calls are electronic.
Probably, but can’t the genius who came up the idea of eliminating live calls, which perhaps might have been friendly and helpful, develop a program just for dog owners?
After all, as Pres. Obama says, ‘we put a man on the moon.?
? I laid on our family room rug, face-to-face with Shayna. I told her she was a beautiful dog, but she was never going to experience true dog love.
She opened one eye, wiggled one ear and smiled like she didn’t care. And, no wonder. My love is enough.
? No hustler or other profession uses fear more than lawyers when trying to make a buck. Of course, it’s your bucks they are seeking via you.
‘Get the satisfaction (money) you deserve.? If injured in an accident, they promise to get you what you ‘deserve.?
Whatever is being sold, ‘you deserve? the best. I’ve heard mattresses being sold with that message. Health and financial protection are ‘deserved? rights, if you buy ‘from me.?
? Green is being promoted for burning belly fat. Have you ever tasted green tea? It’s bitter. I’d rather keep my belly fat. Besides can’t some other herb, that tastes delicious, burn my belly fat?
? I have a CD of the Irish Rovers in my auto. One song has the words, ‘And watch the barefoot gossoons at their play.?
There aren’t many who celebrate St. Patrick’s Day harder than my friend Mickey Hiatt. So I asked him what a gossoon was.
That fake Irishman never had a clue. Webster did. A gossoon is a lad. I hope someone reads that to Mickey when he sobers up.
? As a lover of, and owner of, over 230 neckties, I can see the end of tie-wearing coming. The aforementioned lawyers pick and choose the wearing of a tie depending on the choreography. If they are after the motorcycle riders, no tie.
Obama and McCain abandoned the tie during the presidential campaign, and it wasn’t just because it was hot. Everything a politician does has a vote-getting reason.
In my humble opinion, a person isn’t ‘dressed? without a tie. Open necks on men are for liberal nonconformists. Open neck, closed mind.
A necktie wearer is a considerate person, one of intellect, understanding and sympathy.
One who knows when to quit writing this week.

1,000 people die each year from flu vaccinations.
20,000 people die each year from the flu.
Now comes a flu named after a pig, then changed so as not to offend swine; 100 have died from it, but it got our attention away from depressions, war and global warming.
One (me) can only wonder why our government wanted to divert our minds. Is it to sneak something past us and the legislature? Who is really behind this, and other, actions?
Is it really a case of ‘don’t let any crisis go unused.? Overreact, now!
? My favorite television mystery show now is ‘The Mentalist.? How long has it been on? I’ve only seen 4 episodes. I’ve seen that many re-runs of ‘CSI? and ‘Law and Order.?
? DTE Energy has been making calls asking people to restrain their dogs. I have Shayna, but got no call. A friend has a cat, and she got a call. I don’t know if the calls are electronic.
Probably, but can’t the genius who came up the idea of eliminating live calls, which perhaps might have been friendly and helpful, develop a program just for dog owners?
After all, as Pres. Obama says, ‘we put a man on the moon.?
? I laid on our family room rug, face-to-face with Shayna. I told her she was a beautiful dog, but she was never going to experience true dog love.
She opened one eye, wiggled one ear and smiled like she didn’t care. And, no wonder. My love is enough.
? No hustler or other profession uses fear more than lawyers when trying to make a buck. Of course, it’s your bucks they are seeking via you.
‘Get the satisfaction (money) you deserve.? If injured in an accident, they promise to get you what you ‘deserve.?
Whatever is being sold, ‘you deserve? the best. I’ve heard mattresses being sold with that message. Health and financial protection are ‘deserved? rights, if you buy ‘from me.?
? Green is being promoted for burning belly fat. Have you ever tasted green tea? It’s bitter. I’d rather keep my belly fat. Besides can’t some other herb, that tastes delicious, burn my belly fat?
? I have a CD of the Irish Rovers in my auto. One song has the words, ‘And watch the barefoot gossoons at their play.?
There aren’t many who celebrate St. Patrick’s Day harder than my friend Mickey Hiatt. So I asked him what a gossoon was.
That fake Irishman never had a clue. Webster did. A gosson is a lad. I hope someone reads that to Mickey when he sobers up.
? As a lover of, and owner of, over 230 neckties, I can see the end of tie-wearing coming. The aforementioned lawyers pick and choose the wearing of a tie depending on the choreography. If they are after the motorcycle riders, no tie.
Obama and McCain abandoned the tie during the presidential campaign, and it wasn’t just because it was hot. Everything a politician does has a vote-getting reason.
In my humble opinion, a person isn’t ‘dressed? without a tie. Open necks on men are for liberal nonconformists. Open neck, closed mind.
A necktie wearer is a considerate person, one of intellect, understanding and sympathy.
One who knows when to quit writing this week.

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