Hand-made works of art for O.A.T.S.

The ninth grade Design Class at Clarkston Junior High School wanted to make a lasting impression with their Academic Service Learning project this year.
Creating a high-fire clay mural for O.A.T.S., they accomplished their goal.
“The students made plans and collaborated with Beth Pellerito, executive director of O.A.T.S., to create a clay tile mural for visitors to enjoy,” said art teacher Claudia Keglovitz.?”The mural was sponsored by some local business and individuals.”
They presented the finished clay tiles and donation check to Pellerito, June 5, at the junior high.
Students who contributed included Shane Craig, McKayla York, Isabelle D’Autremont, Ean Mills, Maggie Casteel, Katie West, Melissa Comstock, Caelan Kramer, Lexie Maynor, Jack Schwartz, and Alora Thayer.
They began in March by visiting O.A.T. S., Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles, therapeutic riding center in Independence Township.’Then they had to learn the process of creating high-fire glaze stoneware, which was new to the teacher and students.
“It took a lot of research,” Keglovitz said. “It was a struggle, sometimes, but I’m really happy ? we learned so much together.”
The tiles will be placed on a blank wall of the indoor arena in the center of the main building, said Pellerito.
“It’s a wonderful place to put it,” she said. “It’ll be lovely. We’ll expand every year. It’s just beginning.”
In addition to providing decoration, the tiles will offer something tactile for riders, Pellerito said.
“Something they can touch to help inspire their creativity,” she said.
The students contacted local businesses for donations of supplies, funds, and items for fund raisers, including Runyan Pottery Supply, Tons of Fun, Complete Building Maintenance, Starlite Coney Island, Preston family, and Cook’s Ice Cream, which donated three-and-a-half gallons of ice cream for a lunchtime fund raiser sale, raising $110.
“I love that schools teach kids to give back to the community with volunteer work ? it teaches them so many things,” Pellerito said.

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