Great performance, LOHS thespians!

I would like to congratulate the entire cast of Clue for a job very well done. The performance had me laughing continually. All of the roles were brilliantly realized and hilarious. Each performer was able to quickly establish and maintain a solid relationship with the audience while pulling off some of the best hijinks I’ve seen on stage in a long time.
My favorite scenes were the pairing-offs, it was delightful to see the actors revel in the mischief that was happening, and the acquisitions. To be able to keep what is essentially the same dialogue fresh 6-7 times in a row, is not something easily done. The cast pulled that particular challenge off with aplomb.
I would also like to point to what I think are the true strengths of this cast, their bonds and ability to recover. The audience had a blast with the show, which was mostly down to the cast enjoying what they were doing on stage, everyone was on the same team and was giving it their all.
Throughout the show, there were some moments that to a trained eye were mistakes, a flubbed line, a late entrance, a missed cue, things that could potentially derail an entire scene if not the entire show. Not once was a mistake allowed to grow to such a degree. The entire cast had each other’s backs and covered or helped others recover and get back in the flow of the scene. That is the true mark of good performers and it warmed my heart to see it.
While the show was great, the true performance was happening backstage. With over six independently moving set pieces, the logistics backstage had to be pulled off to perfection for anything on stage to work. The quality of the transitions speaks to the professionalism and work ethic of the stage crew. That by itself was a joy to see unfold and marvel at the creative staging and design.
Everyone involved in this show deserves a standing ovation for a show very well done. From an old theatre alum who remembers his days on that same stage fondly, it is heartwarming to know that LO Theatre is in good hands with both students and staff.
You all did it. Now have another killer night!

Trenton Olds
Lake Orion


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