Funds needed for campers

The Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance needs your help to send needy at-risk children to a summer camp at Camp Copneconic (YMCA) in Fenton this summer.
Children who may have experienced personal tragedies and have social difficulties will be able to experience a camp program in an atmosphere that is both fun and positive.
This year, there are 30 slots reserved and the cost per camper is $300. Glenda Williams, Camp Chairperson for OAYA Oxford Area Community Schools, said that they need $7,000 more to send all 30 children but are trying to raise up to $10,000. ‘Right now, we’ve got $3,000, which is enough for 10 kids,? she said.
Williams said any money that is left over after all the campers have gone will be rolled over into next year’s fund. ‘There’s such a need for this for the kids in the community,? she said.
To contribute to the camping program, send donations to the Oxford Addison Youth Assistance, P.O. Box 372 Oxford, MI 48371.

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