Ford demure in letter; Your Social Security

In March, I traded my mini-van for a Ford Edge. An Edge is a lot shorter than a mini-van. It also has fewer conveniences like a remote to open the back gate. Odd how we can get used to automatic things when we got by for years with manual things.
Anyway, a couple things on the Edge bothered me enough that I decided to tell Ford Motor Customer Relations, Dearborn, about ’em.
To whom, etc.
In March I traded my van for an Edge. I feel I was edged.
My van had my kind of features, the Edge has your kind. It’s higher in the rear (like so many people I know) making it more difficult for Shayna to jump into. There’s a whole lot less room, making it more difficult to carry skis, which I may want to learn to use some day.
But, that’s not why I called, er, wrote.
My complaint is the smaller front seat windows have a much higher sill. Shayna has to strain to reach a position to rest her head on the sill.
But, that’s not my main complaint. She’ll learn.
My message is to the designers, engineers, technicians and Ford employed lovers of sneaking things into production just to get a laugh at their AA meetings.
I’m 6?4? with arms to match. Yet I cannot reach an ATM tube without unbuckling, both my belt and the harness. I know one of your geniuses will tell me to open the window first.
I suppose the higher sill was suggested in some on-line conference call to China and the Dearborn listeners hadn’t got used to the dialect yet, but this is a real inconvenience.
And, yes, I could go inside the bank, but Shayna likes her treats delivered in a tube.
Do not feel you have to reply. They may not let me see anything from Ford Motor Company. JAS
? But, Ford chose to reply. I am Case # 1468751788
Dear Mr. Sherman,
We appreciate the time you have taken to contact Ford Motor Company.
Feedback from our customers is important to us, and helps us to provide higher quality vehicles and improve service to our customers. We recognize that we must meet the needs of the buying public if we are to be successful in today’s competitive market.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
Sincerely, Lisa E.
? Ain’t that precious?
My relations just came to a dead end with Ford. Lisa gave me nothing on which to build a name-calling continuance. Darn! I wanted a dialogue.
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To follow the progress (regression) of Social Security is politics at its sneakiest.
Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced the Social Security (FICA) program promising that it would be completely voluntary. It would be deductible for income tax purposes, the money would go into an ‘Independent Trust Fund? and be used for no other government program.
We are now being taxed on 85 percent of the money the government was to ‘put away.?
When Lyndon Johnson was in office, our Social Security money was put into Congress? general fund.
Later, the income tax deduction clause was taken away.
More recently, Congress began taxing Social Security benefits.
Under President Jimmy Carter immigrants moving into this country were given the entitlement, at age 65, to receive Social Security payments, even though they never paid a dime into it.
And, this should really make you sick – Congress gives themselves 100 percent retirement for only serving one term.
Thomas Jefferson had it right: A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have.

In March, I traded my mini-van for a Ford Edge. An Edge is a lot shorter than a mini-van. It also has fewer conveniences like a remote to open the back gate. Odd how we can get used to automatic things when we got by for years with manual things.
Anyway, a couple things on the Edge bothered me enough that I decided to tell Ford Motor Customer Relations, Dearborn, about ’em.
To whom, etc.
In March I traded my van for an Edge. I feel I was edged.
My van had my kind of features, the Edge has your kind. It’s higher in the rear (like so many people I know) making it more difficult for Shayna to jump into. There’s a whole lot less room, making it more difficult to carry skis, which I may want to learn to use some day.
But, that’s not why I called, er, wrote.
My complaint is the smaller front seat windows have a much higher sill. Shayna has to strain to reach a position to rest her head on the sill.
But, that’s not my main complaint. She’ll learn.
My message is to the designers, engineers, technicians and Ford employed lovers of sneaking things into production just to get a laugh at their AA meetings.
I’m 6?4? with arms to match. Yet I cannot reach an ATM tube without unbuckling, both my belt and the harness. I know one of your geniuses will tell me to open the window first.
I suppose the higher sill was suggested in some on-line conference call to China and the Dearborn listeners hadn’t got used to the dialect yet, but this is a real inconvenience.
And, yes, I could go inside the bank, but Shayna likes her treats delivered in a tube.
Do not feel you have to reply. They may not let me see anything from Ford Motor Company. JAS
? But, Ford chose to reply. I am Case # 1468751788
Dear Mr. Sherman,
We appreciate the time you have taken to contact Ford Motor Company.
Feedback from our customers is important to us, and helps us to provide higher quality vehicles and improve service to our customers. We recognize that we must meet the needs of the buying public if we are to be successful in today’s competitive market.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
Sincerely, Lisa E.
? Ain’t that precious?
My relations just came to a dead end with Ford. Lisa gave me nothing on which to build a name-calling continuance. Darn! I wanted a dialogue.
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To follow the progress (regression) of Social Security is politics at its sneakiest.
Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced the Social Security (FICA) program promising that it would be completely voluntary. It would be deductible for income tax purposes, the money would go into an ‘Independent Trust Fund? and be used for no other government program.
We are now being taxed on 85 percent of the money the government was to ‘put away.?
When Lyndon Johnson was in office, our Social Security money was put into Congress? general fund.
Later, the income tax deduction clause was taken away.
More recently, Congress began taxing Social Security benefits.
Under President Jimmy Carter immigrants moving into this country were given the entitlement, at age 65, to receive Social Security payments, even though they never paid a dime into it.
And, this should really make you sick – Congress gives themselves 100 percent retirement for only serving one term.
Thomas Jefferson had it right: A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have.

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