Fire destroys Springfield Twp. home

County investigators are looking into the cause of a fire which destroyed a home under construction in Springfield Township last week.
‘It does sound suspicious,? said Springfield Township Fire Chief Charlie Oaks, noting the home had neither electricity nor gas connected to the structure, which essentially was the wood shell and the beginnings of a roof.
Firefighters from Springfield and Independence townships responded to an address on Kingston Ridge at about 1 a.m. on Oct. 6. Smoke and flames were evident well before crews arrived.
‘The whole sky was lit up,? Oaks said. ‘The house was gone on our arrival.?
Firefighters knew they could not save the house, so they went into ‘defensive mode,? spraying two adjacent homes with water in an attempt to keep the fire from spreading.
Even with those efforts, the two homes suffered damage including windows cracked from the heat.
Loss to the destroyed home is estimated between $130,000 to $140,000, Oaks said, with the two adjacent homes? damage estimated at $40,000 each.
No one was reported injured in the incident.

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