Finding words at the end of words fills voids

Finding words at the end of words fills voids
Roger Miller and Roy Clark have made millions of dollars (pennies?) with a couple songs. Miller’s is, ‘The Last Word in Lonesome is Me.?
Clark sings, ‘The Last word in Jesus is Us.?
If you travelers with restless children (are there any other kind?) are looking for a game to amuse them, maybe a word-ending contest will work.
I took an interest in this wordplay many weeks ago, and happily pass along some for you to ponder.
Like, the last word in arrow is ow, the last word in abacus is us and the last word in broil is oil.
Got it? Now, to continue with the alphabet, the last word in creator is or, the last word in deacon is on and the last word in essay is say.
Ain’t this fun? The last word in enema is Ma. Funambulist ends in list, gate in ate, hundred in red and illegal in gal.
Then, to stray (ray) a little, rhi(no), Ba(you), an(them) and fl(ame). Enough? One more, the last word in zymosis is is.
Wow! It gives me great plea(sure) to get that out of my Jottings fol(der).
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One more comment about one of my many favorite singers. I love Johnny Cash, partly because the base guitar is often featured. Thum, thum, thum, etc.
I’ve noticed lately that ma’dog Shayna pays special attention when Cash does ‘I Walk The Line? or ‘Folsom Prison Blues.?
In particular, I notice Shayna does a lot of scratching during the guitar solo. That is, for a long time I thought it was scratching, but then I noticed it had a beat. She was imitating the strumming with her hind leg on her ribs.
That dog continues to amaze me.
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Quickies: You know our government is in good hands when they delay all meetings until a football game is on, as in the OSU vs USC playoff. Of course, we’re probably all better off if they took a whole year off.
Have you ever walked under an icicle-dripping eave and not had at least one cold drop land on the nape of your neck?
Congress is filled with people acting like a bunch of recovering alcoholics. They vow to never take another drink (raise taxes), they vow to close our borders to illegals (after they are all here) and they promise tax breaks to all (who donate the most to their campaigns).
Of course, many of those in Congress learned these tricks in state houses, like the one in Lansing.
Seems we hear a lot more often these days that we need to drink more water. Personally, I drank very little water until some ailment required it. Then I noticed Shayna’s water dish needed filling quite often. We quit going to the same doctor last November, so I guess I probably should have adopted her healthy drinking habits sooner. I did try her on my drinking habits, but she doesn’t like Canadian Club.
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More? OK. These from the original Hollywood Squares comics.
Q. If you’re going to make a parachute jump, at least how high should you be?
A. Charley Weaver: Three days of steady drinking should do it.
Q. Do female frogs croak?
A. Paul Lynde: If you hold their little heads under water long enough.
Q. Paul, why do Hell’s Angels wear leather?
A. Paul Lynde: Because chiffon wrinkles too easily.

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