Finding Daisy

Home after a weekend trip, Shane and Jennie Kelly of Clarkston made a gut wrenching discovery. Their beloved dog, Daisy, was missing.
“We didn’t get home until about 1, 1:30 a.m. on Tuesday and she wasn’t here,” Jennie said. “We put on shoes and went looking for her.”
The dogsitter had accidentally let the black-and-white Boston terrier out at some point, and the 14-year-old canine had wandered off. In a neighborhood filled with woods and lakes, they were worried.
‘She doesn’t hear and she can’t really see,” Jennie said. “We looked for about 45 minutes, and we were up the next morning at about 6 to look for her.”
They had to. Daisy was Jennie’s dog from the day she was a newborn puppy.
“I had her mom, Molly,” Jennie said. “She’s definitely a ham. She was a handful when she was younger.”
They went to local animal shelters at about 11 a.m. without success. A graphic designer, Shane made flyers, had them laminated, and posted them around town. They also posted information on Facebook and the For the Love of Louie website.
“People called me, saw the signs and were concerned. They were very supportive,” she said.
But they soon got a call with good news. Neighbors found the dog and brought her to the shelter.
“She ran in front of a bus ? the driver had to stop,” Jennie said. “Two boys got off at their stop and scooped her up.”
Their grandmother brought the pup to the Oakland County Animal Rescue.
“I was there within the last couple hours,” Jennie said. “They let her call me. They were so wonderful.”
Daisy had a hard night, with sore feet and red eyes, but she seemed none the worse for wear.
“I gave her a big, giant hug. I put her on my lap and she fell asleep within minutes,” Jennie said. “She drank all her water, ate all her food, fell asleep on the floor. She slept for hours.”
The Kellys are grateful to the boys and their grandmother, as well as all their neighbors and friends.
“We tried to give them a reward, but they said to pay it forward. They’re such good, sweet boys,” Jennie said. “We are so glad she’s home, so grateful. This community is so caring and thoughtful. Everyone was looking for her. I’m so glad to live in Clarkston.”
“There was such a good response from everybody ? it’s fantastic,” said Shane. “I definitely love this community. Everybody watches out for each other. It’s what makes Clarkston great.”

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