Farmer’s Advice: be nice to one another

I was born and raised a country boy on a farm without tractors, plows or cultivators, but with a mother who learned the ways of a farmer’s wife.
Which means her Albion College degree didn’t help much in the kitchen. Of course, my dad’s University of Chicago degree didn’t help him until several years after he got lots of training in the Durand railroad yard.
I think Mother’s main kitchen-learning-cooking experience was with navy beans.
Mom could bake ’em, fry ’em, boil ’em, mash ’em for sandwiches and use ’em as filler in meatloaf.
Beans were our main source of energy and gas.
But, oh how quickly they were replaced by such non-foods as asparagus, rutabagas and parsley. No country boy ever liked that stuff. But I still yearn for bean soup. I haven’t shopped for food, or anything else, in years. I have foregone ambition and substituted grocery lists.
Wonder if I can energize myself, and make some bean soup, with some salt pork?
* * *
I haven’t driven my Ford sedan since I took myself off the road three years ago.
But apparently Ford has turned solicitations about leasing, warranteeing and repair over to unemployed immigrants seeking to learn our language by calling me.
Maybe Ford, etal, have made a political deal with congress like; ‘I’ll put ’em on a payroll if you reduce my taxes.?
* * *
? Why won’t Obama allow the building of the Keystone pipeline? Has he turned his back on Canada, too?
? Why does Bayer suggest a low dose of Bayer if you’re having a heart attack? Seems to me in that case you should take a heavy dose.
? Here’s a couple words to repeat a few times if you can’t get to sleep: Tranquility and Serenity
? Here’s a word all voters should keep in mind as they make selections: Competence.
? Why is a company urging me to buy insulated toilet tanks?
? If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in this country illegally – you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
* * *
This is right out of the Environmental Protection Agency in Ann Arbor (they’re the people who put the estimated mileage on window stickers).
This government group has ordered BMW, and other car makers, to reduce their mileage.
So, just like that you ain’t gitten? the mileage promised when you bought that car. I think that means those car buyers were screwed, excuse me, taken advantage of (it happens!)
I think I’ll call Ralph Nader or Al Sharpton to help me get the correct mileage on my sticker.
Have another great day!

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