Eye in the sky

When Don Herbert was in the military as a flight medic from 2006-2012, he got a taste for the aerial perspective.
“I always thought the perspective above the earth was prettier ? it’s a chance to see more from a single perspective,? Herbert said.
Now he flies the skies over Clarkston and surrounding area as a drone pilot.
‘Last spring, when I saw the technology coming out, I bought one out of sheer curiosity,? he said. ‘I used it to take pictures, but it’s capable of so much more.?
He now has three top-of-the-line, quad-coptor DJI Phantom drones, one set up with a GPS-stabilized video camera, a second for digital surface modeling, and now a third, custom built to carry a thermal camera and supplies for search and rescue.
The third drone’s payload will include water, space blanket, energy drink, and other items for a person who is lost until help can arrive.
‘That’s the reason I got into this,? Herbert said.
He has an FAA compliance exemption to fly his drones, and is careful to avoid filming people in their yards, at the beach, or other private places.
‘People can misuse them, like cars, guns, knives ? it’s a tool,? he said. ‘I like landscapes, sunsets, sunrises, the fall color change.?
So far his Firefly Unmanned Imaging service has filmed the Taste of Clarkston and Art in the Park, and he has provided film and pictures of the Clinton River and other parks free on Facebook.
For more information, call 810-399-8974 or email FireFlyUAS@gmail.com.

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