Developer interested in school property

Clarkston School Board will review the district’s master plan in light of a proposal to purchase some property.
Superintendent Dr. Rod Rock said a developer approached the district about buying about six acres of school district property behind Clarkston Independence District Library.
The potential sale, which was discussed at the June 9 and 23 meetings, would include appraisal, costing about $350-450, advertisement, bids, and approval by the board.
The board declined to move forward with the appraisal, but requested administration provide an informal estimate.
Superintendent Dr. Rod Rock spoke with a local realtor, who said the property is worth about $415,000-$480,000.
Board Secretary Craig Hamilton said the district should not sell the property.
‘It makes sense to hold on to it,? Hamilton said. ‘Once we sell it, it’s a resource we can’t get back. If we need it in the future, it would be nice to have.?
The district’s financial condition doesn’t warrant the sale, said board Treasurer Joan Patterson.
‘If we were at less than four percent fund equity, I’d be more willing to say we needed money and this would be a possible way to get it,? Patterson said. ‘Now, with our fund equity improved, we seem to be doing better. I’d like to hold onto the land so we have it in the future if anything happens.?
Board Trustee Steve Hyer said he is open to the idea.
‘We should at least look at it in the context of the master plan,? Hyer said.
Trustee Cheryl McGinnis said at the June 9 meeting she was also interested in the idea.
‘I don’t see a tremendous need for use of the property. It’s been sitting there for quite a long time,? McGinnis said. ‘We have some critical needs this could make a difference with.?
The proposal is to develop the property into 13 residential lots, connected to Wealthy Street off Waldon Road.
The district would still have about 10 acres off Clarkston Road around the administration building and Early Childhood Center.
The district architect will meet with the board to discuss the master plan and the proposal in August, Rock said.

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