CCES can figure your household emissions

CCES can figure your household emissions
I want to revisit the carbon credit program I mentioned in last week’s Jottings. In case you missed it, I wrote that the Hiawatha Sportsmans Club I belong to got $250,000 for selling carbon credits.
The purchaser, and even you, can buy carbon credits through the Carbon Credit Environmental Services (CCES) in Detroit. That could be less costly than building a carbon producing building.
It sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but I’m guy who thinks this buying carbon offsets is just another government program to provides loopholes for would-be violators.
I have a fairly good vocabulary, but I can’t come up with a word to totally describe this action. Cheating comes to mind. As does fraud, deceit, circumvention, hypocrisy and collusion.
CCES says, ‘An individual can reduce CO2 by purchasing carbon credits. These can be purchased for personal use or gifts. They are a unique gift for special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, or events.?
Wouldn’t my kids love me more if I gave them carbon credits instead of money?
I can hear son Jim now, ‘Oh, Dad, I’m so happy with my carbon credits. Thank you so much. I would have just spent the money on something foolish, like food.?
CCES also says, ‘We will help you do your part to offset CO2 by first calculating your current household emissions.?
I can see where this is going. Navy bean farmers beware. The bean is going to be battered big time by the left-wing media, major talk shows, PETA, UAW, the UN, and a bunch of other outlets, but not the AARP.
Don’t even think of attacking the Navy bean in front of my generation. Beans are the most basic of the basic food groups. From bean sandwiches we carried to school for lunch, to delicious bean soups, outstanding baked beans and even massed-produced Campbells and Progresso, beans are good.
I implore you, CCES, don’t get involved with beans! What you might do as a Wayne State University Tech Town initiative, is concentrate your efforts on animal emissions. Such as us and cows.
Nine percent of our flatulences are carbon dioxide. I imagine it’s higher in cows since some grant (our tax) money went to some Ph.D. to study their emissions.
You think you’ve got a stinking job, pity the scientist studying cow-generated wind.
Oh, yes. CCES owns a 100% carbon neutral travel agency. Visit to offset your travel.
This whole thing is a bunch of nonsense, which is what I usually write.
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So, continuing, I asked grandson Trevor, 9, how he signalled his teacher when he had to go to the bathroom. He raises a hand.
Back in my 9-year-old, one-room school days we raised our hand with either one or two fingers extended, indicating a particular need.
Why the teacher needed to know that escapes me, unless this was her way of keeping track of when to send out another supply of tissue, or she thought there was more urgency in one request than another.
– – – 0 – – –
? The greatest mistake – giving up.
? The most expensive indulgence – hate.
? The greatest stumbling block – egotism.
? The greatest need – common sense.
? The most dangerous person – the liar.
? The greatest puzzle – life.
? The greatest thought – God.
? The greatest thing, bar none, in the world – love.

I want to revisit the carbon credit program I mentioned in last week’s Jottings. In case you missed it, I wrote that the Hiawatha Sportsmans Club I belong to got $250,000 for selling carbon credits.
The purchaser, and even you, can buy carbon credits through the Carbon Credit Environmental Services (CCES) in Detroit. That could be less costly than building a carbon producing building.
It sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but I’m a guy who thinks this buying carbon offsets is just another government program to provides loopholes for would-be violators.
I have a fairly good vocabulary, but I can’t come up with a word to totally describe this action. Cheating comes to mind. As does fraud, deceit, circumvention, hypocrisy and collusion.
CCES says, ‘An individual can reduce CO2 by purchasing carbon credits. These can be purchased for personal use or gifts. They are a unique gift for special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, or events.?
Wouldn’t my kids love me more if I gave them carbon credits instead of money?
I can hear son Jim now, ‘Oh, Dad, I’m so happy with my carbon credits. Thank you so much. I would have just spent the money on something foolish, like food.?
CCES also says, ‘We will help you do your part to offset CO2 by first calculating your current household emissions.?
I can see where this is going. Navy bean farmers beware. The bean is going to be battered big-time by the left-wing media, major talk shows, PETA, UAW, the UN, and a bunch of other outlets, but not the AARP.
Don’t even think of attacking the Navy bean in front of my generation. Beans are the most basic of the basic food groups. From bean sandwiches we carried to school for lunch, to delicious bean soups, outstanding baked beans and even mass-produced Campbell’s and Progresso, beans are good.
I implore you, CCES, don’t get involved with beans! What you might do as a Wayne State University Tech Town initiative, is concentrate your efforts on animal emissions. Such as us and cows.
Nine percent of our flatulences are carbon dioxide. I imagine it’s higher in cows since some grant (our tax) money went to some Ph.D. to study their emissions.
You think you’ve got a stinking job, pity the scientist studying cow-generated wind.
Oh, yes. CCES owns a 100% carbon neutral travel agency. Visit to offset your travel.
This whole thing is a bunch of nonsense, which is what I usually write.
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So, continuing, I asked grandson Trevor, 9, how he signalled his teacher when he had to go to the bathroom. He raises a hand.
Back in my 9-year-old, one-room school days we raised our hand with either one or two fingers extended, indicating a particular need.
Why the teacher needed to know that escapes me, unless this was her way of keeping track of when to send out another supply of tissue, or she thought there was more urgency in one request than another.
– – – 0 – – –
? The greatest mistake – giving up.
? The most expensive indulgence – hate.
? The greatest stumbling block – egotism.
? The greatest need – common sense.
? The most dangerous person – the liar.
? The greatest puzzle – life.
? The greatest thought – God.
? The greatest thing, bar none, in the world – love.

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