Forget CRT. It’s time for some good ol’ CDT!

Forget CRT. It’s time for some good ol’ CDT!

This whole Critical Race Theory (CRT) seems to be a spectacle in the making — a mud-slinging contest which could go on for years. So, why talk about it now? Why get bent out of shape for something “they” say “isn’t” taught in elementary and secondary schools? Why? It came to me the other evening, […]

It’s been an interesting few weeks!

It’s been an interesting few weeks!

As slow as 2020 seemed to be, 2021 is humming along unnaturally fast . . . yeah, I know, I know: time is time and it’s set at one speed. Figuratively, however, I gotta’ say the year is whipping by, especially the last few weeks. Working for the newspaper here kinda’ keeps me feeling young […]

Well, rats . . . Casa D’Rush takes a lickin’

Well, rats . . . Casa D’Rush takes a lickin’

You know, I really hate it when so-called “friends” mockingly remind you of what you should have done to prevent some catastrophe or another from happening. Yup, not a fan of the old’ wink-wink, “you know if only you woulda’ (fill in the blank), you woulda’ gotten away scot-free without a scratch.” Whatever . . […]

Rush, gulp, steps in to the CRT ballywhack

Rush, gulp, steps in to the CRT ballywhack

It sounded like the right thing to do — I mean, all the cool kids are doing it. And, as a super-hip, mod, groovy and sick individual I think it is my duty to follow the herd, to swim upstream with the salmon to their death, to boldly go where everyone else has already trodden. […]

What dads really want for Father’s Day

What dads really want for Father’s Day

Okay, all you moms and kids out there, listen up. I am giving you ample time to get this correct this year. Father’s Day 2021 is two Sundays away. To make this the most successful Father’s Day in the annals of history — and to set the tone for fathers’ days to come, read and […]

Just me and my shadow?

Just me and my shadow?

So, for the last couple of weeks when we’re alone and sitting down we just get to pondering. We think about the meaning of life, the cosmos, lizard men, ancient aliens and how we all fit in this giant mosaic of colors. From our conversations an old kid’s song came back to us. It was […]

How to talk to a French pig

How to talk to a French pig

Yeah, the nightlife of your hero (that would be me) is quite exciting if not down-right enthralling. After watching Jeopardy at 7 p.m., things really start ramping up for one Dandy Don Rush. Because I’m the quintessential renaissance man, I have options available to me that maybe mere mortals do not. Gender, I reckon, does […]

When guys have ‘baby showers’ Part 2

When guys have ‘baby showers’ Part 2

So, there I was last week minding my own business, comparing the differences between a baby shower and a diaper party asking poignant questions, and weaving a story of words to capture reader attention about an event I had attended, when I had a thought: I really need to cut my lawn. As of this […]

When guys have ‘baby showers’

When guys have ‘baby showers’

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, I know. I am old. I have white privilege (to go along with my fast whitening hair and beard). Yup, I am the Neanderthal Philosopher and so I don’t get a lot of what’s hip, cool and accepted these days. I get it. But . . . . . . […]

Flowers are budding and other such stuff

Flowers are budding and other such stuff

This is a pretty, gosh-darned groovy time of the year. The whole “life renewed” stuff really gets the blood rolling. Makes a person want to get out and do something. Unfortunately, I haven’t been that person. I’m still waking up from winter and have difficulty rolling outta’ bed. And, while it is only the middle […]

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