This is hard to admit, but I am almost to the point of shutting down on any and all news, fake or otherwise in regards to this, our United States of America. “But, Don,” you’re probably saying out loud to nobody in particular, because I ain’t there in person, “You are my filter, my voice […]
Wow. I feel bad. I have empathy. I feel the pain every Atlanta National League Football Falcons fan feels this Monday morning. Mere hours after the NFL’s most elite team, those pesky Tom Brady led, New England Patriots erased a 25-point deficit to win their fifth Super Bowl in seven tries, I can only feel […]
This letter to the editor addresses two critical current concerns. #1. The Council’s inappropriate choice of the 4 Year Plan instead of a 1 Year Plan to Update the villages water system, and #2. The seemingly non-considered result of advancing new projects that will spend the local populace into financial insolvency and unbearable future debt […]
Being a parent, specifically “Father,” is a great gig. Mom’s do all the heavy lifting, and you end up the hero. I don’t know how it is, but I love the way it works. Well, maybe I do know how it works. In four words, “Everybody loves the fool.” And, gentlemen in fatherhood, lend me […]
At the dawn of yet another year, the leaders of the universe that is Sherman Publications sat atop their ivory towers and looked down at me. From far above I heard their voices bellowing like rolling thunder. In unison, three voices spoke as one . . . “Donald,” they summoned, I looked up and a […]
In the Year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Sixteen, I started a new Don’t Rush Me tradition of setting the course for the year, early on in January. As a former ink-stained wretch (our Community Goss Offset printing presses haven’t run in four or five years, so I no longer get inky from helping) […]
Yep, it’s official we’ve watched another ball drop, and I am not talking about the disappointing receiving efforts of your Detroit football Lions. I’m talking about that symbolic gizmo that mechanically, ever-so-slowly moves its way down a pole in New York every Dec. 31. Why folks say that “ball drops” is beyond me. It ain’t […]
Dang, I hate writing in advance of deadline. I had a column lined up to coincide with the Winter Solstice (Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2016 at 5:44 a.m.), and the days getting longer; I took a picture of the first mailed seed catalog in a snow pile; I was gonna’ be all “Cheer up, Buckaroo! Things […]
Across these great, fruited plains of America (including the frozen tundra of our Mitten State) folks are thinking about miracles — it is that time of year. Folks either believe in one miraculous birth or they don’t; they either believe in miracles or are hoping for one to intervene in their lives. What is a […]
It’s December already and it looks like this year we will have a white Christmas. My back already aches after shoveling a few times this past Sunday. But, as it is the holiday season, my column writing tradition is simply this: writing columns for Christmas and that means writing nice stuff. Nothing mean or snotty […]