Family goes for dinner, home gets robbed

A family on Brabant was returning from a nice dinner out last Tuesday when they discovered that numerous items from their son and daughter’s bedroom had been stolen. According to an Oakland County Sheriff’s Department report, the son received a phone call from a friend while they were at dinner. The friend needed his tent […]

Man facing a felony charge for fleeing from police

A 19-year-old man is facing felony charges after eluding police on Saturday. According to Lake Orion Police Chief Jerry Narsh, police attempted to pull the individual over. He was observed speeding and running a stop sign. He was going 55 mph in a 30 mph speed zone. After police turned on their lights, the individual […]

Traffic stop reveals stolen firearm

A 23-year-old Detroit man was pulled over early Sunday morning after speeding down M-24 with no headlights on. When police approached his vehicle, the officer noticed a strong odor of marijuana, which the man admitted to having just smoked. He was also driving with a suspended license. According to Lake Orion Police Chief Jerry Narsh, […]

LO Forensics program makes a strong showing at Mackinac Island tournament

Members from the Lake Orion High School Forensics team, Waldon Middle School and Oakview Middle School Forensics teams traveled to Mackinac Island last weekend to compete in a tournament at the Grand Hotel. Freshman Mindy Stubbs won the informative speech category for the second year in a row, while teammate, junior Matt Hood, took third […]

Rotary Club becomes official

The Lake Orion Sunrise Rotary Club held their charter inauguration night last Friday at Canterbury Village. The group, which has been meeting since last October, is now 21 members strong. They meet Thursday mornings at CJ’s Village Caf?. The Orion club becomes the 51st in the district, which includes several southeast Michigan counties and Kent […]

Mike Quinn Golf Classic raises $28K

The 18th Annual Mike Quinn Golf Classic was held on May 12 at the Copper Hills Golf Course in Oxford. The event was started in 1990 to help raise money for Mike Quinn, a Lake Orion youth with leukemia. This year, the $28,000 raised at the event will help Ryder Berman, a one-year-old with Juvenile […]

The LO Down

Mumbai, India ? strike that, Lake Orion ? Remember the T.V. show about the guy who got tomorrow’s newspaper on his doorstep and proceed to save someone’s life in every episode? For two journalists in India, that scenario will now be a reality. Except for the ‘saving lives? part. And it’s a website as opposed […]

Review adds intern

The Review is happy to welcome the newest addition to our staff, Mallory Yaroch, who will be with us throughout the summer. Yaroch currently attends Central Michigan University, where she is majoring in journalism. She is a 2003 Lake Orion High School graduate. Her duties at The Review will include covering a wide variety of […]

Letter to the Editor

It’s that time of the year again. Members of the Lake Orion Fireworks Association met this past week and began making plans for Lake Orion’s annual fireworks display. It’s tentatively scheduled for June 30 (must be approved by the Lake Orion Village Council). My former boss, Jim Sherman, Jr., has again given the OK to […]

Letter to the Editor

Mary MacMaster, your beef is not with me. It’s with the Oakland Press reporter, who stated that the findings in the audit on the Alice Young debacle were that it was UNETHICAL. All my information came from this paper and the Oakland Press. It also appeared from the Oakland Press story that Mr. Dywasuk agreed […]