The Lake Orion Village Council approved the closure of portions of Florence, Flint and Lapeer Streets on Monday, May 28, 2007 for the American Legion Post 233’s Memorial Day Parade. The parade is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. at Blanche Sims Elementary School. From the school, the parade will travel south on Florence to […]
The Lake Orion Village Council has appointed Natalie Daversa as an alternate member for the Board of Zoning Appeals. The BZA has been without an alternate member for the past two years and needs an alternate because they have had the bare minimum of members attending the past two meetings. Daversa will serve as alternate […]
It seemed to be a bug that swept through both local schools and schools around the nation. Around here, the Rochester School District, the Oxford School District, West Bloomfield and Ortonville Brandon School District are all examples of districts infected, and last week, Lake Orion was added to that list as school threats were found […]
Just a week after finishing eighth in the state tournament, the Lake Orion High School Forensics team is already thinking about next year. That’s because the team will head to Mackinaw Island this weekend for a competition that is seen as the start of the next season, as students are not allowed to perform routines […]
North Oakland VFW Post 334 held its annual election of officers on Thursday, May 10. Post 334 meets in the Club Room in the lower level of the Knights of Columbus Hall located at 1400 Orion Road. The newly elected officers include Ernest W. Baker, Commander; James Trumble, Senior Vice Commander; Franklin Cobb, Junior Vice […]
The Orion Community Coalition held its first organizational meeting last week. According to substance abuse prevention advisor Michele Novak, about 25 people attended the meeting and the group has gotten strong commitment from some of the individuals. Within the group, Novak said, there is also a committed group of active students that will be participating […]
Kaz Mamon, known around the area for his charity motorcycle rides, will be at it again with his annual ‘Mamon Ride? this weekend to raise money for the Fowler Camp for special needs kids. The local starting point for Saturday’s ride is the Post Bar on M-24 in Auburn Hills. ‘Break the Rules? will be […]
Members of Lake Orion High School’s Marketing Class were honored at the May Chamber Luncheon for their work and involvement with the Community Business Expo that was held on Wednesday, May 9. The students spent weeks working on advertisements for the event, including creating a new logo for this year’s event and writing an article […]
I don’t really have a problem with the growing trend of hyphenated last names. But I do wonder what people will think of them a few generations from now. A few weeks ago, for example, I met a woman with a 10-letter last name who had married a man with a 12-letter last name and […]
I am extremely disappointed in all who voted against the library proposal. I think it was a HUGE mistake and you all should be ashamed! A library is one of the most valuable resources that a city/town can offer. I bet none of you actually did the math before you hastily completed your ballot. Let […]