Bowlers struggle for win

The Oxford Varsity bowling teams each lost their second Northern Lakes Conference games against Waterford Mott last Saturday, which also drew in over 200 bowlers from Waterford Kettering, Walled Lake Central, Northern and Western, Lake Orion and Clarkston.
The Varsity girls came out rolling well and for the second straight week won both baker games.
Junior Ashlee High led the way with four marks in four attempts and with a 190 and 342. Sophomore Sarah Decker was 3 for 4 in the two games.
But just like last week they couldn’t close the match in head up play and lost 13-17. The team bowled a 751 score, but Mott’s experience paid off with a very nice 877 score. Game two was much of the same with Mott winning 770 to 668.
‘The girls have made a great deal of progress this year but haven’t broke through with a win yet,? said Coach J.R. Lafnear.
The boys lost to Mott 8-22. Junior Steven Lafnear was 4 for 4 in baker games with 3 of the 4 strikes. The team only had one open frame in the first game and shot a season high of 212.
Game two was another story. Mott shot an incredible game of 232 and Oxford opened in the 9th and 10th frames to lose the game and totals. The game was 232 versus 179 and totals were lost by a mere two pins.
In head-to-head play, senior Ben Griggs scored two points with games of 209 and 192. He was followed by sophomore Mike Magyar’s games of 194 and 224. Maygar also won two points.
Both teams are now 0-2 in the conference. The next meet is Saturday, Dec. 15, at Wonderland Lanes in Walled Lake at 1 p.m.

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