Band rocks park, venues around the country

Rick and Dayna Lieder have lived in Clarkston for years. This was the first year performing in Clarkston’s Concerts in the Park, though.
“It was wonderful, very exciting,” Dayna said.
Their band, also including Eric Harrington on keyboard, Terry Stevenson and Al Charmichael, both guitar and vocals, and Brian Romeo, sax and flute, performed for friends and neighbors June 29 in Depot Park.
“There were a lot of people we knew,? Dayna said. “We were happy with the audience participation, a very warm response.”
Most of the band has been performing together for about 20 years. Dayna married into the band about 15 years ago, joining first as a guest, than as a singer.
“After we got married, Rick trained me,” Dayna said. “I sing, perform, entertain the crowd. It’s fun. We wanted to be together.”
Her first performances were nerve wracking, but now are lots of fun.
“It’s great ? I fell in love with it,” she said.
The band performs a variety of music, 1950s-1990s, full time all over the state and country.
“We like anything that gets the crowd dancing,” Dayna said.
The Lieders, including their children Faith and Blake, moved to Clarkston about five years ago.
“The schools are rated high in the state,” Dayna said.
Raising a family while performing full time is challenging, but rewarding, she said.
“People don’t understand how we do it, but it works,” Dayna said.
Faith, 13, and Blake, 11, accompany their parents to performances, and join them on stage sometimes.
“They’re part of the show,” Dayna said. “It’s a hectic schedule, but they get to travel and see the country.”
The band would be happy to perform in next year’s Concerts in the Park.
“I love it ? they’re a great way to get the community together,” she said.

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