Night at the races

Three lengths ahead of its nearest competitor, the bug-eyed reindeer racer appeared to have the contest well in hand. Perhaps slowed down by the tire tracks across its neck and hindquarters, the Clarkston Auto Body-sponsored, roadkill-themed racer had trouble closing the deal, as other reindeer narrowed the distance. With a roll of the dice, the […]

Downtown restaurant approved

A new restaurant is coming to downtown, with approval by Clarkston City Council last Monday. James and Sarah Schneider’s proposal for a family restaurant at 15 S. Main Street, formerly Clarkston State Bank, was approved unanimously. “We want to make Clarkston more of a restaurant destination than it already is,” Sarah said. “I think people […]

3 plans to expand city hall

With three options for expanding city hall and DPW, Clarkston City Council postponed a decision until at least this coming Monday. “I don’t see how two weeks can hurt,” said Council member Al Avery at the Oct. 12 meeting. “I’d like to hear what residents say their needs are.” The three alternatives presented include “North […]

Parking ideas at meeting

About 25 people attended a public meeting on parking in Clarkston, Oct. 13. ‘We’re really just trying to get input,? said Mayor Joe Luginski. ‘Responses range from people saying the parking situation is horrendous to the opposite end, people who don’t see a parking problem.? Erich Lines, who owns the Union restaurant with Curt Catallo, […]

Phil in the Blank A column by Phil Custodio

One thing Back to the Future Part II got right in its predictions of the year 2015 is the nostalgia for the 1980s. There’s no new Jaws movie coming out, but there is a new Star Wars flick soon to hit theaters. Like most people I talk to, I’m cautiously optimistic about the Force awakening […]

Eye in the sky

When Don Herbert was in the military as a flight medic from 2006-2012, he got a taste for the aerial perspective. “I always thought the perspective above the earth was prettier ? it’s a chance to see more from a single perspective,? Herbert said. Now he flies the skies over Clarkston and surrounding area as […]

State school funding reforms on the way?

According to Superintendent Dr. Al Roberts, the district’s budget problems stem from state funding and budget calendar, legal issues surrounding contracts, and state graduation requirements. “Districts across the state are, or will be facing enormous financial problems within the next year or two,” Roberts said. “We are trying very hard to find additional ways to […]

State school funding reforms on the way?

According to Superintendent Dr. Al Roberts, the district’s budget problems stem from state funding and budget calendar, legal issues surrounding contracts, and state graduation requirements. “Districts across the state are, or will be facing enormous financial problems within the next year or two,” Roberts said. “We are trying very hard to find additional ways to […]

Phil in the Blank A column by Phil Custodio

Clarkston school district comes up with its list of budget cuts about this time every year, usually a Powerpoint slide or two. This year ? a full 20 slides, filled with 124 cuts, reductions, and other ideas. Some were probably easy. Cutting the Handwriting without Tears program, saving $20,623? A bad title, at least, implying […]

New pastor called to Clarkston

The Rev. Kendall L. Schaeffer, new pastor of St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, is in it for the long haul. ‘My long-term focus is to retire from here, in about 15 years,? said Schaeffer, 53. He grew up in Mt. Pleasant, and graduated in 1989 from Concordia Seminary in Fort Wayne. He was raised in […]

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