News riles Roberts

According to the superintendent, the chief responsibility of local schools is to sell houses. “A community is known by the schools it keeps, so unbalanced and needlessly negative reporting is problematic from a number of perspectives,” said Superintendent Al Roberts in an email, April 26. “First and foremost, as a school district and as a […]

Rugby program sparks interest

Clarkston Wolfhounds rugby takes to the field with its first practice, 9 a.m., Saturday, May 1, behind Clarkston Eagles hall, 5640 Maybee Road. “The Eagles generously allowed us to set up a field on their property,” said coach Brian Lenaghan of Springfield Township, a rugby player since college. “I love team sports. The kids learn […]

Freshening up

Dozens of volunteers came out, April 24, for Davisburg Beautification Day. “We had a fantastic turn-out ? more than 70 volunteers worked at four sites,” said Laura Moreau, Springfield Township clerk. They cleared brush and picked up trash on township property along Davisburg Road from Dilley to Andersonville Road, including Shultz Park, Davisburg Cemetery, Mill […]

City council opposes state historic proposal

City Council voted 6-0 to approve a resolution in opposition to proposed changes to the Michigan Local Historic Districts Act, Feb. 16. Mayor Joe Luginski, who was in Chicago during the special meeting, issued a statement in support of the resolution. Cara Catallo, chair of the Clarkston Historic District Commission who was at the meeting […]

Phil in the Blank A column by Phil Custodio

Stories of figures clad in black prowling local neighborhoods may have been embellished a bit as it spread from neighbor to neighbor, as might have happened in the story ‘Be aware of prowlers? on page 1, but one thing is certain. As weather warms up with the coming of spring, people looking for easy pickings […]

Students honored for outstanding citizenship

Clarkston Area Optimist Club honored three Outstanding Student Citizens, Feb. 17. Madeline Caldwell is a fourth grade student at Springfield Plains Elementary. “She’s a gift to humanity,” said her teacher, Heidi Kroll. “She’s strong. Nothing disturbs her peace of mind.” Caldwell was student council president in third grade. She bakes, is active in basketball, dance, […]

Historic district in jeopardy?

Clarkston city administration issued a statement opposing Michigan HB 5232, a proposal to revise the state Historic District law. “The bill to amend the current 1970 Public Act 169 jeopardizes the efficient and fair process for establishing local historic districts already in place, reducing protection given to resources in local historic districts, and diminishes the […]

Foundation’s set for new year

As Greg Bunting begins his term as president of the Clarkston Foundation, his goal is to increase community support. “I want to take it to the next level, get more parents involved and look for additional funding,” said Bunting, who has been a member since 2007. “Carl (Matisse, outgoing president) brought me in. It’s a […]

Awareness fundraiser

The third annual Facials against Suicide is this weekend, Feb. 20-21, at Heavenly Day Spa in Independence Township. ‘My spa is going to be performing different services we offer at discounted rates. All proceeds go to Michigan Association for Suicide Awareness,? said Jessica Keesling, owner of the boutique at 4565 Pelton Road. Suicide awareness is […]

Phil in the Blank A column by Phil Custodio

Given the chance to publicly respond to a persistent critic, Clarkston schools Superintendent Dr. Al Roberts took the high road. Speaking at Monday’s Board of Education meeting, he conceded that, yes, discretionary spending could use some trimming especially in these tough economic times, praised FOIAing parents for their concern and hard work, and welcomed any […]

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