Mission accomplished

Retired automotive engineer Joe Rohovsky of Independence Township enjoyed mentoring fifth-graders so much, he re-upped for fourth-graders, too. He joins about a dozen other volunteers in A World In Motion at Clarkston Community Schools. “I read a piece in The Clarkston News that they were looking for volunteers, so I called them up,” said Rohovsky, […]

Don’t need arms to Reach for the Stars

To deliver the message that disability is only in the mind, Brett Eastburn only has to take a drink of soda. ‘When your next speaker comes up, ask them to take a drink of soda, then cheer wildly when they do,? said Eastburn, who can open and drink the canned beverage despite no arms or […]

Local idol makes it to Hollywood round

Clarkston native Elizabeth Stalker is receiving lots of press recently due to her successful audition on American Idol, broadcast Jan. 15 on Fox. Readers of The Clarkston News have known about her talent for years. Stalker was our Millstream feature story on April 7, 2004. She was also featured in 2005 for winning six Detroit […]

Celebrating a century with family and friends

Flora E. Curtis of Independence Township, born Jan. 27, 1908, celebrates her 100th birthday with family and friends Saturday, Jan. 26, at Waterford Oaks Activity Center. Family members, many of whom visit her every day, neighbors, who shovel her driveway when it snows, and friends from near and far are invited to her birthday party. […]

Week of events for church anniversary

Clarkston United Methodist Church kicks off a week-long 50th-anniversary celebration, Sunday, Sept. 11, with a historic walk. “Fifty years ago, Sept. 17, the congregation walked down Buffalo from Church Street to Waldon to their new sanctuary,” said Pastor Amy Mayo-Moyle, leading the Forward with Faith Planning Team. “I was a 10th grader ? the whole […]

Local ties to worldwide Rotary projects

John Hewko got his new job, general secretary and CEO of Rotary International, with some networking help from his father, Lu Hewko of Clarkston. Lu, active with Clarkston Rotary Club for 33 years, saw the job posting and passed it along to his son. “I knew he was probably a good match,” Lu said. “I’m […]

Phil in the Blank A column by Phil Custodio

This is a good week for the Neighborhood Security Seminar, planned for tomorrow by Citizens Cable Committee. Murders are rare in the Clarkston area, but we had one just last Saturday. It’s a particularly tragic and pointless one, too, involving a guy stalking a co-worker, hiding in her bedroom, grabbing her, and then shooting her […]

Clarkston grad fights to bring state jobs

Derek Bush, a 2007 graduate of Clarkston High School, was always a helpful neighbor for Mel and Jo Vaara. With an economics degree from Mel’s alma mater Northern Michigan University, he hopes to be just as helpful for the state of Michigan. “We’re very proud of him,” Mel said. “He really blossomed at NMU.” “I […]

Family raises funds for future adoption

Jamie and Angelo Marino of Springfield Township want a big family. They have four boys and are now looking to adopt. ‘The nursery is ready and we can’t wait to have a baby in our home again,? Jamie said. ‘We love children,? said Angelo, who’s great grandmother had 21 children, three of whom were adopted. […]

Plumber offers personal service

Chris Heslip, master plumber and owner of Clarkston Plumbing and Boilers, offers complete, reliable service to his hometown. “I’m focusing on Clarkston ? all services in this area,” said Heslip, who is licensed and insured. “I like the area. It’s a great town. I shop for supplies locally to help keep it going.” He started […]

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