Help needed to find out who needs help

For Clarkston area Christmas In Action (CIA), a coalition of volunteers providing free home repairs to people in need, the hard part can be finding out who needs them the most. “We find a lot of homeowners who need help don’t want others to know about it ? they’re embarrassed,” said Mike Gemborys, who volunteers […]

Students honored for selfless optimism

Clarkston Area Optimists honored Independence and Springfield Plains elementary students with Optimist Student Citizen awards, Feb. 13. Kate Gualtieri, fourth grader at Springfield Plains, is a shining star who comes to class every day with a smile, said her teacher Christina Secord in her nomination. “She’s full of compassion and respect, and positive energy,” said […]

Water, water everywhere

For the Berry family on Main Street, this past weekend’s heavy rain meant flooding ? Mill Pond is in their back yard. ‘There are ducks there, and my hammock and tree swing are flooded, and we have rapids in our backyard,? said homeowner Kim Berry. ‘Lots of water. It’s going slowly (through the grass),? said […]

Library’s looking for its sign

Independence Township Library is preparing a new look inside and out. That doesn’t mean they’re getting rid of everything old, though. Someone apparently thought it did, making off with the library’s original sign, a four-by-four-foot, dark wooden placard with yellow block lettering. “We came in Tuesday after Labor Day and noticed the sign was moved,” […]

Getting a jump on pothole season

A Road Commission for Oakland County crew digs up pavement on M-15 at Clarkston Road, Sept. 10. The two-day project replaced pothole-prone patches of asphalt on Main Street from Washington to I-75. Photo by Phil Custodio

For love of music

Director Doug Doty started Clarkston Community Band’s new season with a spelling lesson. ‘There’s no ‘i? in band,? Doty told the 40 or so woodwind, brass, and percussionists, high school students to retirees. ‘The more, the merrier.? Led by Doty, retired Clarkston band director, as well as current Clarkston conductors Michael Lewis and Shelley Schwaderer […]

Phil in the Blank A column by Phil Custodio

Trevor Keiser walked into the newsroom last week after a resupply trip to Rudy’s with a bottle of soda bearing Sen. Barrack Obama’s name and face. The store carries a line of Obama soda, with Sen. John McCain soda to go along with it. Apparently, sales of Obama ale were outpacing McCain cola. I went […]

Bologna follows in family’s footsteps to open restaurant

Danny Bologna never had much doubt how he would start his professional career. Son of successful restaurateurs Joe and Adele Bologna, Danny recently opened his own place, Via Bologna in Independence Township. ‘I’ve always wanted to open an Italian restaurant ? it’s what I do best,? he said. ‘This is a good start. Clarkston is […]

Aim to partner for public access

Casablanca may have been on Cheryl McGinnis? mind Monday. ‘I look forward to this being the beginning of a great relationship,? said McGinnis, president of Clarkston Board of Education to Independence Township Supervisor Pat Kittle. ‘I hope this is the first of many opportunities, showcasing the fact our two boards can work together.? Kittle presented […]

Start of something new

The 21 incoming freshmen at Everest Academy’s boys and girls high schools won’t have to worry about fitting into a new environment. As founders, they’ll be creating it as they go. ‘I’m excited by the opportunity to be the first high school class,? said Patrick Nalepa, 14, of Clarkston. ‘We’ll set traditions ? student council, […]