Just jotting

Here’s the philosophy of the Michigan Lottery boosters: Make a bet every day, otherwise you might walk around lucky and never know it. Bet high, it’s for your kids education ya? know! – – – 0 – – – My friend John Patrell is a self-made man, which shows what can happen if you don’t […]

Before it happens, think of life without a car

Many of us know people, who because of age or health, have had their driving privileges removed. I have never given this a thought, until a brain-dead decision I made recently. I left the hatch-back door of my mini-van up while it was parked in my garage. But unfortunately the 2-car garage door was also […]

On the Fourth, re-read the Star Spangled Banner

Next week our country celebrates the declaration of our independence, July 4, 1776. It was that day our founding fathers told the world, we would no longer be second-class citizens, ruled by a monarchy. Our natianal anthem, the Star Spangled Banner was composed by Francis Scott Key in September, 1814. Here are the words. * […]

It must be me, it can’t be just the news coverage

Maybe too many things are just not going my way lately, but I’m getting upset more often, quicker and it’s taking longer to get over. Too, it could be my aging. However, I really believe my rising temper has more to do with this extensive political season. I spent a lifetime writing news — maybe […]

Unproven or even tried diet suggestions

But first – Do you realize that in about 40 years we’ll have thousands of old ladies running around with tattoos? And – If you let a smile be your umbrella most likely you’ll get your butt soaking wet. And – This tip from Home & Garden Television via The Detroit News Homestyle section is […]

Ah, May! New golf clubs, old results

It’s that great, new year when we golf club swingers expect pars and get double bogies. When we realize we learned nothing watching the pros at the Masters, when we still need a lot of luck to get a decent score and again accept that the best part of golf is the 19th hole. We’ve […]

Helter skelter, mish mash mind-emptying Jottings

Whenever I hear a sports commentator use either of these two words — physiological or athleticism — I immediately put him or her into the amateur column. ? Whenever I hear a commercial telling us about a recent discovery of a long lost stash of gold, that was worth $90 a ounce, but I can […]

Properly trained grandkids love bacon

This has become a week to remember. Maybe not foriyou, but for me it’s been supreme. Thursday I again received my Bacon of the Month gift. Longtime Jottings readers will remember our daughter Susan gave me a membership in the Bacon of the Month Club last Christmas. The GratefuliPalate, Oxnard, CA is the pusher. In […]

A column of quotes, misquotes & anecdotes

? More and more drivers seem to have time to put their hand on the horn, but no time to put their foot on the brake. ? Bob Warnke says: ‘What ever fluffs your sail.? I thought it was ‘whatever floats your boat.? ? I should add up the time and money ma’dog Shayna has […]

His arm isn’t lost; Is my dog like yours?

At the Meijer store in Oxford there is sometimes a man at the checkout register with no left arm. The first time I went through his checkout, I, of course, noticed the absence of said appendage, but said nothing. Dave Kalmanir’s as quick a checker-outer as anyone, has a fine personality and obviously a hard […]

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