She loves me, she loves me not

At Christmas (I hope the ACLU doesn’t come after me for using that word in my column) gift-giving time I learned which daughters loved me and which daughter doesn’t. Daughter-in-law Linda gave me a fine robe. Daughter Luan gave me a fine DVD player. Daughter Susan (I call her Suz-z-z cause she slept her way […]

Jot, Jot Jotting along

President Obama and his czars decided Freddie Mac and Fanny Mac were failing and needed bailing out. I don’t know how much that cost we taxpayers, but defending that decision cost $410,000,000. Freddie Mac, established in 1970, went broke in 39 years. Just couldn’t get it right. ? Manufacturers are so scared of being sued […]

Brain’s dry; Have to rely;

Brain’s dry; Have to rely; On stories past; Everlast (This is a repeat of a Jottings from 1956 – You may have missed it.) During my tour of duty in the Navy we were in an amphibian group. Specifically, we were in a 4-man crew (all 19-year-olds) on a LCVP, Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel. It […]

Letting my mind wander a little longer

Wonder if any sports writer ever asks a referee or umpire who they favor? Sometimes it sure feels like favorites are getting calls. Speaking of referees, the next time you see one giving the sign for loss of down, pay particular attention to the refs mouth. See if you detect a smile. The signal is […]

Worry about your quality of life

When the work-a-day people find they have overspent their income, they look for ways to cut back their spending. Michigan should do the same. Lobbyists and other politically active people look for ways to increase state income, rather than reduce spending. Reports out of Lansing say our state budget has a shortfall of $2 billion. […]

Caption This!

1. His mother was frightened by an owl at birth. 2. A psychic told him his colors. 3. He just learned the hand really is quicker than the eye. 4. Does your face hurt — cuz it’s killing me. 5. This guy will do anything for a little sympathy. ?0? I won’t go so far […]

You might have suffered depressed living if . . .

Sometime in the 1980s stand-up comic Jeff Foxworthy, a ‘Southerner,’ came up with a skit he called, “You might be a Redneck if.” One of them was, “You might be a Redneck if your mother kept a spit cup on her ironing board.” With apologies to Mr. Foxworthy, we’ve accumulated some “You might have suffered […]

Let’s get rid of 2010, and welcome twenty eleven

Let’s get rid of 2010, and welcome twenty eleven Perhaps the most disturbing thing I read last year was the message retired Air Force Major Rick Briggs delivered at the Veterans Memorial in Lake Orion on Memorial Day. He said, ‘When more men and women (of the military) have committed suicide than have been killed […]

The case of the missing scooter

A couple weeks before Christmas, 2002, I went to Meijer in Oxford to buy a scooter for granddaughter Savannah. At age 7 it’s time for her to experience more severe scraped knees, elbows, etc. I found a $39.90 boxed scooter on a high shelf, added it to my shopping cart collection of goodies and went […]

Catching up

A wife sought advice from a fortune-teller, who said, “Prepare yourself for widowhood. Your husband is about to die a violent death.” The wife signed deeply and asked, “Will I be acquitted?” * * * Your know you’re going to have a bad day when you bite into a doughnut hole and find a hole […]

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