Randy Fox led Oxford Bank to great heights

I was quite new on the Board of Directors of Oxford Savings Bank when Randy Fox’s name was first heard in a Board meeting. The then president and CEO, Bob Dick, was looking to retire. He told the Board, ‘A nice young man, who lives in Lake Orion, came in and I think we should […]

Ramblings from a prickly rose, or maybe not

So this basketball referee for the pro teams admitted trying to influence the outcome. I’ve always thought that was universally accepted. I know when my team is at bat or got the ball the ref or ump make calls that lead me to believe they have a very important dinner date, wanna get to the […]

My limping Shayna, and my drinking friend tales

When I came home from golfing at Oxford Hills Golf and Liars Club last Thursday night, ma’dog Shayna was limping. ‘Her right foot seemed to be giving her trouble. But, heck, dogs are tough. We never gave a limping dog any concern when I was a lad on a farm in Shiawassee County. ‘Give ’em […]

My ‘yard art? girl has been violated

Editor’s Note: Mr. Sherman is taking a break this week, so enjoy this ‘Best of Jottings? column from March 22, 2006. If you were a reader of Jottings last October 5 you may recall the boasting of the art form known, at least by some, as ‘yard art.? Therein was a picture of my antique […]

Many wars are fought long after defeats

I pulled a few quotes from an August 7, 2007 newspaper someone handed me recently, but I’ve left the town name blank. Try to guess the town: ‘Violent death toll soars on _ _ _ _ _ _ streets? ‘Spate of stabbings, assaults alarms citizens, police? Did you guess Winnipeg, Manitoba? The newspaper is the […]

Great ending to a lifetime of golfing

I swear I came out of my mother’s womb swinging a golf club, and I’ve been working on that swing every since. (It’s a writers privilege to exaggerate to make a point.) The point being that I was born into golf. My daddy helped build a golf course in Kalamazoo in the early 20s. My […]

Tongue, another of cows? gifts to mankind

For several months now my palate has been calling for the taste of tongue. No, I’m not referring to one of those television scenes of spit swapping. I’m talking beef tongue; that savory, tender, protein filled, delicious food from cows. I’ve asked for it at groceries large and small, meat specializing shops, and delis in […]

Cranium collection of noncollectibles

? Boys with 3 or 4 older sisters learn to dance way before boys with no siblings. The talent comes easily when waiting outside the bathroom door. I have to give Bob Hope credit for that one. ? In one of his too-many talks to the nation, President Obama said four million new jobs have […]

Doctor, do I watch too many detective shows?

My most watched shows on television are ‘The Mentalist,? ‘NCIS,? ‘The Closer? and ‘Blue Blood.? My DVR is programmed to record them. They came to mind recently when I found myself searching for the background of a recently recommended orthopedic surgeon. Last October I first noticed my left forearm hurt when it touched the arm […]

I tried to save a tick, but forgot about oxygen

I received a ‘Tick Warning? article last week and it reminded me of the tick attacks we trout fishermen suffered last May. (I actually intended to tell you about it at the time, but waited until I was sure it’d get the most readership. You know, like after summer and before Christmas.) Every day in […]

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