First a story, then a letter to a senator

I have two reasons to believe this story is acceptable for a community newspaper. First it was told to me in the Flint Elks Club men’s room, and second, our recently-acknowledged, 50-year-old daughter said it was ok. An Irishman has been doctoring for some time, and this was the day he was to get the […]

On the 4th, re-read the Star Spangled Banner

Next week our country celebrates the declaration of our independence, July 4, 1776. It was that day our founding fathers told the world, we would no longer be second-class citizens, ruled by a monarchy. Our natianal anthem, the Star Spangled Banner was composed by Francis Scott Key in September, 1814. Here are the words. * […]

Grandkids? summers, a whole lot different

Grandkids? summers, a whole lot different Our grandkids, twins Haley and Trevor, 7, Savannah, 11, were uncertain (as expected) on how they are going to spend this summer’s days. I didn’t expect them to come up with a list of day-filling activities. After all, they have few responsibilities, fewer chores and have hardly a clue […]

Congressional antics, competitive eating and Dan who?

I see where some survey shows Congress has a 14 percent approval rating. That shows a need for Congress to appoint a committee to study the thinking of that 14 percent. Another report states that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a professed advocate of a full-time legislature, has scheduled 20 weeks off for members, and the […]

Be very clear when saying Huh or Hu-huh

Chic (pronounced Chick) and Charlie (pronounced Chuck) Drumheller are among the great couples of the world. They are just plain fun to be around. They laugh easily, are refreshing, hospitable and blend with everyone. We’ve known them from the time they bought the IGA store in Oxford over a quarter century ago, so I think […]

Depression rearing, or saving for retirement

In the late 1950s our brother, Don, was selling investments for Investors Diversified Services. His pitch to us was, ‘If you saved just 50 cents a day you’d have $182 each year and be well on the way to early retirement.? He did something right, retirin at about 50. I told him I couldn’t put […]

‘Tis August; time to buy gifts for your favorite Leo

There’s a wide variety of stuff in The Old Farmer’s Almanac for we Leos. Like: Upon her throne queen August lies With languor in her dreamful eyes -Samuel Minturn Peck Leo is, of course, a northern constellation east of Cancer: the fifth star in the zodiac. Here’s what The Almanac predicts for weather: For the […]

This ‘n that, to ‘n fro, hither ‘n yon, etc.

Nearly all the major daily newspapers have gone to a smaller sheet size for their product. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, to name two, and the largest group of dailies in Michigan are printing on smaller pages to lower newsprint costs. So too have a great many weekly newspapers, including the four published […]

Answer to world’s ills could be simple

(Longtime friend Dick Milliman writes a weekly column, ‘Almanac,? from his Lansing office. I particularly liked this one. — JAS) * * * The answer to most of the world’s ills could be too simple for politicians and diplomats to grasp. Maybe it’s soccer. Soccer brought peace and harmony for a day or so in […]

Aging changes tastes, sometimes we like it

Naturally, when mentioning changes of taste, we first think of foods. But, of course, we change clothes styles, figures of speech, even politics as we age. Well, some do. These thoughts started as I watched my first tomato fulfill its redness daily for a week. Going too slowly from a faint hue, to yellow, to […]

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