Bring the whole family for a ‘Good Ol’ Time’ at Barn Daze

Bring the whole family for a ‘Good Ol’ Time’ at Barn Daze

Barn Daze returns to Orion Township on Saturday, a chance to celebrate a unique piece of area history with fun and games for the entire family. This year’s celebration includes plenty of activities including a hay maze, hay wagon rides, pony rides, petting farm, carnival/children games, inflatable bouncer (socks required), farmers market, food and more. […]

Eagle Scout candidate to complete project at Bald Mountain

By Georgia Thelen Review Staff Writer Sam Abbott has been a Boy Scout for 10 years and has dreamed about completing his Eagle Scout project since day one. “I want to be an Eagle Scout because it has been my goal since first grade,” said Abbott. Abbott has decided that the Bald Mountain State Recreational […]

What if Hilary Clinton should win in November?

You can expect a huge influx of migrants, immigrants, legal and illegal and others who do not plan to leave this country. Welfare costs will skyrocket. To feed, house and take care of medical needs of thousands of migrants, legal and illegal. Crime rates will increase with undesirables coming for free everything. All welfare offices, […]

Voting for all Dems

Look at the way the republicans treat Hillary Clinton, would you treat your mother or grandmother that way? I never did. How do you think they are going to treat you? The democrats are not the ones making it harder for everyone to vote, the republicans are. Truth is, the GOP is desperate and afraid […]

Blanche Sims students receive backpack surprise

By Georgia Thelen Review Staff Writer AT&T Michigan Pioneers presented 40 backpacks filled with school supplies to students in need at Blanche Sims Elementary School on September 9. The backpacks included paper, folders, pencils and several other necessary items for students’ success. This marks the 16th consecutive year that the AT&T Pioneers have participated in […]

M-24 Roadwork aka Driving Disaster

While I appreciate the long overdue improvements being made to M-24, I don’t appreciate the lack of thought of its consequences. This is the main thoroughfare into and out of Lake Orion. It is the only route to get to the only high school, a middle school and several housing communities. With the already-in-progress construction […]

Resident expresses concerns about schools

I am concerned about reading a portion of the Lake Orion School District’s Superintendent Marion Ginopolis’ comments wherein she stated at the end of Jim Newell’s article of Wed., Sept. 7, 2016, “that the building and site sinking fund would also allow the district to build up its fund balance. The current fund balance is […]

Bicyclists alert motorist of car fire

Bicyclists alert motorist of car fire Thank you to the bicyclists who alerted our son’s girlfriend that her car was not just overheating, but was flat out on fire as you road on the bike path on Joslyn Road near Joslyn Court on Labor Day at 7:20 p.m. Through your selfless actions only the vehicle […]

Pine log needed to help replace stolen monument

When Christopher Woityra’s daughter, Taylor Beth, died Sept. 10, 2014 at age 21 due to complications stemming from treating for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, he had a peace symbol carved as a monument. That monument was stolen from his home on July 6, and now he needs a pine log to replace the tribute to Taylor Beth, […]