Clarkston church begins search for new home

Churches are known for helping the homeless through charity. After a deal with the Waterford Township Board they thought was complete fell through, the Divine Peace Metropolitan Community Church is now looking for a home of their own. Divne Peace, located at 5311 Sunnyside Drive in Independence Township, has until May 22 to find a […]

Attempted robbery at Sashabaw bank

On the evening of April 10, a man attempting to rob an Independence Township bank by giving a teller a note, fled without any money before police arrived. At around 6:57 p.m., deputies from the Independence Township substation responded to a call for a possible armed robbery at Clarkston State Bank on Sashabaw Road. According […]

Fuel spilled, site cleaned in Independence Twp.

Last week, a Clintonville Road resident smelled deisel fuel in his yard and the surrounding area. A day after he noticed an oil-like substance in the same ditch ? triggering a call to police and discovery of an estimated 20-50 gallons of spilled deisel fuel. The spill occurred at a construction site in Independence Township […]

Ellis Barn to have Heirloom Garden

Besides seeing the historic Ellis Barn when traveling to Springfield Oaks County Park, future visitors will see plants who thrived when the barn stood near Dixie Highway in the late 19th century. The Master Gardeners through Michigan State Extension and the 4H Gardeners Restore Our World Club (GROW) worked together the last few months to […]

‘Project Sticker Shock? raises alcohol awareness

Adults penalized for purchasing alcohol for minors in the Clarkston area will not be able to say they did not know what was coming. On April 4 and 6, nearly 20 students from the CHS SADD club visited many area retailers to place bright orange stickers on alcohol and wine products. The stickers warn adults […]

From Dairy Queen to the Supreme Court

On the wall behind L. Brooks Patterson’s desk hangs a small trinket that looks like a stone with a stick figure band painted on it. The inscription reads something like ‘The only difference between this place and the Titanic is they had a band.? This small message goes a long way to exemplify the sense […]

Diocese considering new church building

With church closings and clustering facing some segments of the Archdiocese of Detroit, a new church building in Northern Oakland County is expected in the next few years. According to a March 28, 2006 letter from Cardinal Adam Maida, ‘several parishes need to expand their facilities as funds are available? and the ‘Vicariate should move […]

‘Spring Clean Up Day? for Springfield Twp.

With warmer temperatures arriving, the time has arrived for Springfield Township residents to clean out the closests and pitch those run down appliances. The Spring Clean Up Day for Springfield Township residents is on May 13, from 7 a.m. ? 1 p.m. at the Springfield Oaks Youth Activity Center on 12451 Andersonville Road in Davisburg. […]

Library hosts authors

People visiting the Springfield Township Library on May 3 from 6 ? 8 p.m. can meet three authors visiting Clarkston thanks to Spring into Reading. Authors Jim Aylesworth, Deborah Morris and Neal Shusterman complete the cast of writers visiting for the third annual Author’s Night. The event was held last year at Independence Township Library […]

Township board discusses millage for August ballot

Voters in Springfield Township will be asked to renew police and fire millages, and consider an additional half mil for library services, in August. The township board held a brief discussion at their April 13 meeting asking township attorney Greg Need to draft a millage proposal for the renewal and approval. ‘The library board decided […]

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