When I first heard it, I was confused. Of course I had been sleeping so that explained it. It’s kinda freaky to be wakened in the wee hours of the morning — somewhere between the beginning of Rapid Eye Movement and dawn — by strange sounds emanating from the hallway. I guess if I have […]
Like every other opined communicator out there in America, I too was gonna? write about the Republican presidential debate which took place ast week. Then I said, ‘why?? I didn’t even watch it — those who did just wanted to make quick, 140 character snarky remarks for their own amusement. Not I. So . . […]
All I can say is, ‘Wow.? (Well, that ain’t true. If that is all I had to say on the subject I am about to elaborate on, it would be a very short column, indeed.) Holy cow! I saw some of the worst driving ever last week. Moreover, it was reckless and dangerous driving I […]
So, I took off a week from work last week — one of about nine or 10 single weeks I have taken off in the last 30 years. I had no plans other than to work on This Crappy Old House. I thought I could patch stucco on the outside of the 99-year-old home. I […]
So I’m sitting at my desk, high up (22-steps-to-a-new-you up) in the Ivory Tower of Clarkston last Monday ? just sitting, minding my own bees wax and plotting my evil plans of inciting a residential uprising (and if you ask city council, trying to tear down Clarkston is all I wanna do with my life) […]
When we broke out the Christmas decorations a few weeks ago, also let loose were the two dozen Christmas albums, er, CDs I have. My taste in Christmas music, is much like my taste in many things. I have friends who like to write and are always aghast at my lowly tastes. ‘Of course you […]
For as long as I can remember I have always had a fascination with words. Tis true. Some words I like to hear ? I enjoy their sound, the way the vibrations tingle my little ear bones. Some words I like to say; I like the feel of them as they stumble out and off […]
Old Man Winter kicked it up a notch last week, dropping the mercury in our thermometers 30 degrees in one, 24-hour session. From 40 degrees to subzero with windchill is hard for a body to acclimate to. At least it’s the Christmas season and in these parts that means it’s s’posed to be cold. I […]
I consulted my writing muse and asked for a topic for this week’s Don’t Rush Me. . . . We batted ideas back and forth. We touched on hot topics like gay marraige, July 4, make the most of life. All good ideas. But, I am not gonna use them. Everybody is talking about gay […]
First off kids, don’t try this at home or for any high school or collegiate paper for which you will be graded. I am a highly trained and 40-hour a week salaried professional. What you are about to witness, if I can pull it off, is a column which weaves three, seemingly unrelated topics into […]