Last week I surmised I may have been transmuted into some sort of electrical super-freak — in eight days I lost two computers, a TV and a car battery. The only thing in common with these electrical devices, as far as I could tell, was they all were touched by me. Gulp. I wondered what […]
I know, I know . . . I am late on the whiner’s wagon in regards to crying about the excessive displays of selfishness taking over Michigan. Of course, I am talking about the evening hour shenanigans and fireworks. Come on already folks, July 4 was half a month ago! I know the state still […]
Okay something weird is up. Maybe I should just call an astrophysicist or something; have things checked out. In the course of one week and one day, electrical devices connected to you know who (if you don’t know who, it’s me — your hero, Dandy Don Rush) have been crappin? out. Two Sundays ago . […]
When I got to the office this morning (Monday), the green-lit, digital clock on my vehicle’s instrument cluster read 6:26. Next to that, was displayed the external temperature: 60. When I got out to get into the office I actually shivered. Hot damn, I shivered! A 40 degree swing (dip) in temperature meant living was […]
As the man part of a man and woman (wife-husband) team, raising two strappin? young lads, I was interested in reading: Parents are truant — student achievement at risk. In a press release from the ‘Your Child? coalition, I read: ‘One in four parents in the Great Lakes region don’t make time to get involved […]
‘Who am I? I am just a poor boy from Lake Orion. Most of the kids around here from high school just call me Uncle Eddie. My family name is Mark Edward Bird. And my bill collectors don’t know who to send things to.? I was in Lake Orion with Eddie, to listen, ask a […]
You know and I know gas prices in these parts are, well, in a word sucky. According to, the statewide average cost for a Michigan gallon of gas in January 2007 was $2.11 (ah, the good ol? days). By the end of February the cost had crept up to $2.307 per gallon (still palatable). […]
‘Who am I? I am just a poor boy from Lake Orion. Most of the kids around here from high school just call me Uncle Eddie. My family name is Mark Edward Bird. And my bill collectors don’t know who to send things to.? I was in Lake Orion with Eddie, to listen, ask a […]
As I write, I can see green spots. Let me stop you right there . . . no, the green spots are not related to pink elephants. But, now that I have your curiosity piqued, let me continue. As a modern man (notice I did not say metro-sexual man, which is another type of modern […]
A quick look on-line and I found in 1907 Oklahoma became the 46th state in the Union after the Indian and Oklahoma territories were merged. I discovered the United States proclaimed to be protector of the Dominican Republic and invaded Honduras. That year, the Detroit Tigers lost the World Series to the Chicago Cubs, four […]