Interesting — on June 5, 2002 we started getting scam emails… I wrote about it then (which you’ll read) and guess what — we get more now. Ain’t life grand? Call me kooky, but I am either just really cynical or I’m stupid and have blown countless opportunities to make millions. Since I don’t believe […]
On Aug 16, 2006 I wrote the following: I have had a cell phone now for a couple years, but don’t expect me to give you the phone number. Even if I like you. Also, don’t look for the number on the bottom of my business card. My cell phone isn’t really for talking. It […]
Let’s just say Jen and I are going a little nuts. Batty. Bonkers. Cuckoo for Coca Puffs. That bearded head you see nodding up and down and all around is not a 200-pound, walking bobble-head. It’s just me, dazed and confused. Sleep deprivation can do that to a parent. It’s not that Jen and I […]
Has anybody ever done a study of the infrastructure the American petroleum pipeline? I swear there is at least one a year that bursts, blows or leaks and it is always a fast acting leak, too. As soon as that sucker blows, prices jump 30 cents a gallon. What was it, last Thursday, that gas […]
Ironic. Sad. On June 19, 2002, The Oxford Leader printed two separate stories celebrating life. ‘Good luck OHS graduates!? the banner headline screamed. ‘Chemo Boy? saves the day for sick kids we teased on Page One. A community newspaper like The Leader is a cheerleader. We shout with joy at the triumphs of our community […]
Lesson. Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary says, in part, this about the word lesson: . . . 3 a: something learned by study or experience (his years of travel had taught him valuable lessons); b: an instructive example (the lessons of history). Further, the word lesson is derived from Middle English lessoun, from Old French le’on, from […]
These three-day, holiday weekends . . . yikes. Hard to get back in the saddle and write a column when you’re still thinking about sun, barbeque, family, friends, fireworks, et al. Somebody is always e-mailing me something . . . and something is what I will copy and paste here. They are quotes and whether […]
By the time this is read the holiday season will have officially kicked off. The Detroit Lions will have played in yet another Thanksgiving Day ‘classic? (as defined by professional football promoters, not the general viewing public) football game. Turkey left overs will be fried, ground, slabbed, stabbed, cut, sliced and diced in any number […]
Okay something weird is up. Maybe I should just call an astrophysicist or something; have things checked out. In the course of one week and one day, electrical devices connected to you know who (if you don’t know who, it’s me — your hero, Dandy Don Rush) have been crappin? out. Two Sundays ago . […]
Holy turn up the heat, Batman! This 15 degrees below normal temperature really sucks. But, I suppose it is better than snow. That said, I reckon spring is really here: things are growing, bees are a buzz and construction crews are on the road. (Just for fun, try driving down West Hegel Road in Goodrich. […]