Since spending her childhood in Lake Orion, Katie Anthony has lived in a number of cities across the country. Yet, no matter where she’s been, one thing has remained constant in Anthony’s life, her dedication to a variety of community service-based organizations. That dedication played a big role in her recent honor as the U.S. […]
Rarely do trumpet players as young as 18 get an opportunity to do what Lake Orion High School grad Kyle Upton recently did in Washington, D.C. With organ accompaniment, Upton soloed to works by Franz Josef Haydn, Alan Hovhaness and Henry Purcell, at the fourth concert of the Grace Church Bach Festival in Georgetown. ‘This […]
Dr. Kyle Badaoui and his family typically visit their family in Lebanon for three or four weeks each summer. On July 1, Badaoui, better known to his patients at Caruso Chiropractic in downtown Lake Orion as Dr. Kyle, his wife Fernande, and their children, Christa, 5, and Elie, 4, completed the 20-hour journey to his […]
At first glace, Friendship Park looked like it was under some massive construction on August 11. But the park was actually playing host to the Orion Township Parks and Recreation Department’s annual Big Rig Gig, which gave kids the opportunity to see trucks of all shapes and sizes firsthand, and even take a turn in […]
Requirements to be a part of the Good & Plenty Kids Camp are so stringent that enrollment has only gone from three to five in the camp’s 12 years of existence. Camp leaders Elaine and Cal Darbee, who host the annual event at their home, just on the Oxford/Orion border, said they have a special […]
The Polly Ann Trailways Council will have to deal with some changes, but what those changes will be remains in doubt. The council met on July 26 to discuss the recommendations of a sub-committee created to address their funding formula, inter-governmental agreement and 2007 budget. They then directed that each member obtain opinions from their […]
Canada used to be a hop, step and jump away. But come next year, it will be a hop, step, jump, and passport away – at least if you hope to return to U.S. soil. Travel requirements are undergoing some notable changes, and it could effect travel plans for those that don’t take the proper […]
Lifelong Oxford resident Jamie Felix said he is dedicated to the community. Anyone doubting his claim can look no further than his recently completed project restoring an old house at 95 Indianwood Road, and turning it into his new State Farm Insurance office. On his birthday, July 7, Felix officially moved to the Indianwood location, […]
Getting accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children is such a tough task that only a handful of every hundred early childhood programs across the country hold the honor. Sunny Day Preschool instructors Cindy Winther and Linda Travnikar are now members of that elite club. ‘It took us one year,? Winther, […]
Look out, Tiger. The next generation of golf stars took to the links this summer at Paint Creek Country Club, for the club’s annual Junior Golf Program. Program volunteer Greg Kwasek said the junior golf program has been in existence for about 12 years. The program is directed by Jeremy Lathwell, Golf Professional and Marc […]