Ah, sports, what a multi-purpose invention!

In the same week recently golf and basketball sports fans were treated to continuous exposure, via television, of replays, plays and diagnoses adnauseam.
The most powerful radio station in Michigan (there’s a 50,000 watt limit) WJR, interrupted the most powerful conservative radio mouth in the world (Rush Limbaugh) to bring us the confessions of a guy who plays around (no pun intended) on a grassy field, Tiger Woods.
Then on Saturday and Monday the world had to see and hear about ten young men passing a round ball around while awaiting their turn to handle it. Ah, the NCAA basketball finals!
The finance channel on the tube replaced their money making/saving tips to let us hear from a guy who has made more money in six years hitting a little ball than financial advisors have promised, and that’s more money than even the Obama stimuluses have stimulated.
Tiger Woods told the millions of viewers/listeners, (yes, I heard some of it) he’d been unfaithful to his wife, injured himself while in a snit, accepted the blame for everything except Hiroshima, and will now set a goal of earning back all the sponsors who dropped their endorsement.
I couldn’t get a real close look at the imprint on his shirt, but I think I read ‘dumb ass.?
While at the basketball tournament there was more excitement. I especially like these games that are scheduled to start at 9 p.m., and begin at 11:45 p.m.
I was particularly drawn to the final, Monday night game. It took us back to early televised games, maybe the 50’s. Oh, how far we have come! Not in the playing of basketball, but in styles.
We were shown a picture of the cheerleaders standing on the sidelines near a basket awaiting a hoop to shout about. The girls wore plaid skirts below the knee. Blouses were buttoned to the top.
While out on the floor were ten guys with swimsuit style shorts. Got the picture? Girls with lengthy skirts, men with ultra short shorts.
Switch to 2010.
The cheerleaders have swimsuit style outfits and the boys wear shorts that look like pillowcases covering their legs.
So, all you shrinks, what does it all mean? I need counseling. Anyone recommending one of Tiger Woods??
Maybe we spend some stimulus money on it.
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Again, different strokes for different folks. At the first sign of spring many people light up with, ‘I saw my first robin today.?
So do I. Then there are other spring bird watchers who seem much less happy. That would be golfing types who run across the first signs of geese’s return.
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I just found a Christmas-wrapped package of precooked bacon in my freezer. I attract bacon gifts. Maybe someone will send me this one. A Florida paper reported someone making bacon-chocolate cupcakes. It also mentioned baconnaise, BaconPop and bacon-flavored popcorn, and bacon salt. Enough already.
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? Bumper sticker: Use caution passing drivers chewing tobacco.
? Discover wildlife – Have kids!
? A drunk was in front of a judge. The judge says, ‘You’ve been here before for drinking!? The drunk says, ‘Okay, let’s get started.?

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