Adding my WOWs to the Detroit Tigers

Nothing has excited, thrilled and animated our State like the Detroit Tigers winning the American League baseball title.
Their domination of the news is absolutely wonderful.
What war?
What political campaign?
What layoffs and buy-outs, housing slowdowns, work stoppages, orange barrels and illegal immigrants?
They’re gone from news leads. The newspaper headlines wouldn’t be bigger if He appeared in person.
Wow! Doesn’t that sound great? (Or g-r-e-aaaat!)
The million dollar men, Pudge Rodriguez and Magglio Ordonez, just became billion dollar men and they are worth every penny.
Detroit has had championships in other sports in recent years, the Red Wings in 2002, Pistons in 2004, The Shock in 2003 and this year, but baseball remains America’s game and the Motor City Bengals are in the lead.
The Tigers went from nothing to everything in one year. Hollywood couldn’t have made it better.
I give total credit to the seemingly quiet man with the slow walk to the pitcher’s mound, manager Jim Leyland, with bringing this winning excitement to us.
And, I really like his comment in an after-game interview . . . ‘I wanted to be Yogi Berra, the player, not Casey Stengel, the manager.?
Leyland was brought into major league baseball by the Tiger organization as a catcher.
I’m completely satisfied with the American League championship, but of course, I’ll continue to watch every World Series game.
And, should they win that series, I’ll be hoping and praying fans celebrate peacefully and not blemish the images Detroit has gained from the Tiger successes.
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I’ve been wondering
Does every agency in our state have a trust/slush fund like the Department of Natural Resources?
The Novi City Council accepted an $846,338 grant from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund through the Department of Natural Resources.
What are they doing putting our money in a trust fund and why were they allowed to do it? Do the Health, Agriculture and Justice departments all have such bank accounts?
Been wondering a lot lately, with the rise in Japanese carmaker Toyota’s sales, if our victory over Japan in WWII was an idle victory? I believe we’ve been a whole lot more generous with our enemies than they would ever have been to us.
Last fall I paid $150 for a pair of shoes. They are good shoes, but I concluded that’s too much to pay for something you’re going to walk on. So, I bought a pair of tennis shoes for $10 at Kmart and wear them all the time, even though they have no support. Is that dumb, stupid or both?
We seem to be hearing much more these days about sexual offenses, like the number is growing rapidly. Then I saw where the population of the United States has reached 300,000,000. Maybe, just maybe, that’s why there is more crime. There’s just a whole lot more of us.
I’ve been wondering about the nearsighted whale following a submarine. Every time it shot a torpedo it passed out cigars.

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