A Spiritual Walk: That which is ours to do

You have heard from this from me before; if we want to change our life, the job is ours to do. Just validating that once again because all changes in life are supported by our own thoughts and perceptions. What unfolds from our changes or actually life itself, originates from our own thinking.
Is the thought of what is ours to do confusing? If you’re lost on how this is done and why we do this, understand, it’s not just you. It’s not easy to just accept this idea as it’s an entirely different way of viewing the process of living. Hopefully, you can get enough information from this article to do the practice and to move you forward to your best life.
All of us are aware that life has no instruction booklet. When we are born, we learn about life from those around us. Those who raised us and those we hung around with. Later as society advances new ideals and better ways to support children come forward. Even though we all made it, I’m sure you know some old ideas that were not that good.
Louise L. Hay, said this about her parents; “They were doing the best they could with what they had been taught as children.”
Think about that for a minute. What if those who raised us did the best, they could with what they had and what they had was limited by a smaller amount of knowledge?
That’s a place to start to do the work which is ours to do. Once you have an idea of something that could have been better or that holds you back from being better why not clear that up?
One can wonder why our thoughts matter so much to what happens in our life. After all we get up and live life every day. Sometimes going from one problem to the next but we are still living, still surviving. What else does one have to do? Some people say they are so far behind in what they must do they are just barely getting through the day. Others are getting through the day, giving it all they got. They are succeeding yet unhappy. In each of these examples there is something deep within stopping their best process of life.
In these writings, you have read this before, still it’s worth repeating; in living life as a spiritual walk, we “go within.” That means to look inside yourself. Sit calmly in the quiet and put your focus on a tiny little you that’s inside scouting around. This little you can scoot around quickly looking for buried emotions or that which needs change.
What’s there? Seek and you will find. What memory pops up for clearing? Something should come to mind because once you open the door of awareness, God speaks. If you didn’t think of anything, be a little stiller, go deeply. As you get a thought to change be sure you rephrase your thoughts to something positive. Then watch how changing the way you think changes your life.
*Remember your life, excluding traumas, is formed by your thoughts. Any part that you don’t like, or wish was different can be changed including traumas. Life is an inside job that you can change, but it’s up to you.
Once you have done this work note that you have not completed it for your entire life experience. Life is never ending. God is unlimited and therefore you are an unlimited creation too. This tells us we will have an unlimited number of things buried inside us from our previous way of viewing life up until now. Sure, you will change your perspective, your life will be better but Spiritual living is an ongoing process. One that becomes better and better until your cup runneth over. It’s awesome.
Also, note that there may be times when it seems like life is after you. It’s just one not good thing after another not good thing. If this is happening be sure you are not the one looking for things to go wrong. If you are thinking you can’t catch a break, that life is out to get you, those are not good thoughts and you are sure to find more of them.
Life isn’t going to be perfect every day for anyone. Still, we can do our best to keep our thoughts going in a positive direction and bring more good to us. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote, “Into each life a little rain must fall.” This might be true, but we can decide if we want to use an umbrella of spiritual tools to raise us up or not.
Truthfully, it’s really a daily way to live that becomes easier once we open the door of our awareness to doing it. It’s not necessary to go through life waiting to be saved from this world. Changing our lives is an inside job. A personal mission we decide to take to live our best life. Today, take the information you learn, put it into practice and use it to live the life you came to live.
Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (NIV)
View life as a process, your process to do that which IS yours to do. Call me if you want support with your process.
Seeing your success!

Blessings in faith,
Linda La Croix

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