A dual obituary

In July, 2006 an artist approached me with the idea of painting a mural on the side of 5 S. Washington St. What a great idea, I thought. Dress up the corner. Bring in some wholesome images — a slice of Americana right here in Clarkston.
I toured entire towns where the businesses were muralized. Usually there were paintings of working people, but not always.
I had good thoughts, and one stipulation. I love the front of The Clarkston News building– the brick and the arches, its design — and I asked that it be reproduced on the side. (That, and a picture of me and my dog.)
Some money changed hands and we were off with my two thoughts and her imagination.
Disapprovals soon came, but how many ever unanimously approve art? Beauty and art are all in the eye of the beholder. The artist and I talked, she with passion, me with wonder . . . wondering how long and with what result?
She convinced me she knew where she was going and that people would be pleased when she was finished.
By 2009, I’d had it. I ordered her off the wall. She pleaded, ‘Give me this weekend to come up with a plan.?
I liked it and rehired the artist. Six months later she had to point out to me where the ‘new look? was. The ‘new? look was hidden behind other images, ‘new? imaginations.
I had asked her one time, ‘Will I ever see the end?? She — naturally — scoffed.
This month I got an infection. I was hospitalized for a week. During that time and through recovery days thereafter, my thoughts were dominated by the mural.
I had to end it.
Last week I notified the artist. This week the public.
With this notice to you comes my feelings of regret that I imposed something on so many people against their will.
When the weather warms, I will have the wall returned to its pre-mural status.
I am sorry I upset so many people, and I’m sorry we’ll never know what might have been. I wish the artist a good life.
Please enjoy The Clarkston News.
Jim Sherman, Sr. owner
Clarkston News building

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