Old Goodrich post office purchased

Goodrich-Todd Mann has a vision. His inspiration’the village of Goodrich.
Mann, recently purchased the old post office on Hegel Road with the intention of doing everything he could to help the business owners of Goodrich and future owners become a staple in the community. Mann is president of MAGIIC, LLC., (Martian Alumni Investing In Community). Martian being Goodrich’s mascot, the community being Goodrich. He claimed the name in 2002.
Mann is no stranger to the ins and outs of owning a business. He recently returned from the United States Virgin Islands after ten years where he owned and operated a restaurant/bar establishment. Upon his arrival, Mann noticed how many more businesses had made their way into Goodrich and the fact that the Chamber of Commerce had dissolved. Mann was happy to work with the Chamber of Commerce, but realized instead of hoping and wishing there would be one, he would do something on his own. He and his partners have studied and reasearched all of the guidelines of a chamber so they may properly assist business owners.
His goal, with the help of Goodrich natives and partners John Coffee, Nick Moors and Jeff Koon, is to revitalize the village and surrounding areas for business owners, and in turn, for the community.
‘When I came back, I realized that new businesses and existing ones had no clearcut blueprint or chamber to assist them in finding the proper channels to cultivate the community in their business ventures,? Mann said.
That’s when he decided that this ‘Mann? did indeed have a plan.
Whether they need a strategy, marketing tools, construction work or renovation, MAGIIC, LLC’s purpose is to work with them to create a profit and help make the business become a lucrative tool for the community.
All the members in MAGIIC, LLC at one time or another have done construction and have a vast knowledge of business practices such as computer graphics, marketing, concept planning and management.
So far, MAGIIC, LLC has helped many business owners in Goodrich including Nana’s Deli and Bakehouse. Mann, with the help of John Coffee and Nick Moors, turned the carpet store into a deli store in 60 days for Nana’s. With the struggles that come with renovating, business owners know this time frame is exceptional.
‘All of our businesses will be run by alumni, and after initial investments are paid back we’ll either sell or finance and it will go to other Martians or continue the management to provide future investments.?
MAGIIC’s current properties include the old Townpride Carpet Building and the Whitmer Farmstore. They also own the old post office, which will be MAGIIC’s headquarters and future location of Big Jake’s Pizza and Shake’s, which will be running by the end of August, permitting it goes as planned.
One important principle MAGIIC, LLC stands firm on is the fact that they are here to revitalize the area, not tear it down.
‘We are not for further land development, we are for improving existing structures to keep the mainframe of Goodrich intact,? said Mann.
Mann said he realized with the influx of residential development that commercial services have not held up.
‘We are here to service the needs of the public, yet keep up the old Goodrich feeling.?

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