Who knows what can happen After the Wine?

Usually, in the dating world your options are limited as to where you’ll find a relationship.
But now, a local woman has decided to make the dating world a little easier for singles aged 45 and up by creating a comfortable and stress-free environment for people to meet.
Linda Grunewald, of Oxford, started her company After the Wine last month, which holds wine related social events for Baby Boomers and older at various locations around the Metro Detroit area.
‘My whole life is going to restaurants and wine bars and venues,? Grunewald said. ‘It’s a tough job, but somebody’s gotta go it.?
After surveying women and men in her age group, Grunewald determined most didn’t like the option of online dating or singles groups ? especially since some have a membership cut-off age of 45.
‘I guess the rest of us are just supposed to fall off the face of the earth,? she joked.
Being divorced for four years herself, Grunewald understands the boat that many single men and women are in and she wanted to create a company that would help ease them back into dating.
She also founded the Oxford Women’s Social Club in 2004 which consistantly holds a membership base of approximately 150 women.
When you sign up to become a member of After the Wine, you’ll get to indulge in great conversation, great wine and great food.
‘They’re so fun,? she said, adding that some people come just for the wine and have no intention of finding a relationship, or vice versa. ‘It’s a real diverse group of people.?
Grunewald is planning to have a wine event at least every weekend at venues such as the La Sala Banquet Center at Papa Joe’s Gourmet Market in Rochester and the Indianwood Golf & Country Club in Lake Orion.
‘There’s no chicken wings or potato skins at these,? Grunewald joked.
One unique aspect After the Wine offers its members as a designated driver service; so if members find themselves a little tipsy after a wine event, they can be driven home.
‘I think that’s smart,? Grunewald said.
If you’re interested in becoming a member of After the Wine, non-members are allowed to attend two events (for a small fee) to see if they like it; and prices are comparable to other dating services.
For more information on After the Wine and for pricing, visit www.afterthewine.com.

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