Ramblings from a prickly rose, or maybe not

So this basketball referee for the pro teams admitted trying to influence the outcome. I’ve always thought that was universally accepted. I know when my team is at bat or got the ball the ref or ump make calls that lead me to believe they have a very important dinner date, wanna get to the bar or promised their wife they’d be home to barbecue the kielbasa.
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It was a slow August Saturday night, and since August was officially named ‘Elvis Month? by tube time producers, I watched an hour of Elvis? life. That hour was more time than I watched him in all the years he was on tv or in movies. I did watch the clip on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1957, but avoided all other appearances. He offered nothing that interested me. This August 18 Saturday night, though, it wasn’t bad entertainment. Maybe I’ve become more immune since Elvis died 30 years ago. And, maybe I’ll like The Simpsons 30 years after their creators? pens have died. Nah, I need a show to really dislike.
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Nick, Wally, Tom (you don’t need last names) and I went to Greektown casino recently, picked primarily because it’s in Greektown with its Greek restaurants. Before ordering our Opa’s, three of us lost the amount we allowed ourselves that day. Losing is what 99.9 percent of us expect to do in a casino. Tom, the winner, ordered a non-Greek steak, we normals had the 5-lamb chop dinner. Tom couldn’t finish his steak and I could eat only four chops. So, madog, Shayna got the 2-meat takeout. I told my tale to John Kargetta, who immediately asked, ‘Can I be your next dog??
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Democracy should be more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
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TV commercials I can’t stand: AARP, Nutri-systems, Viagra. Seemed like all correspondence in the years I had an AARP card was aimed at selling me insurance, investments and remedies, things that make money for its officers. All Nutri-systems ads irritate me. I believe bodily function ads, bedroom conversation products and performance advertising should be labeled ‘Inappropriate for Everyone’s Viewing.?
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I know there are days when the weatherman gets it right. Just as I know someone will complain about the weather everyday. It’s always too something for someone. But, doggone it, those early-August weeks brought predictions of rain about three days out of every seven. And, none came to our parts. I know Michigan is a big state, with wind currents taking systems across our southern border or north. But that ain’t what the front followers pointed out on their walk back and forth in front of their mapped fronts. They had me believing Mother Nature and Al Gore would be handling my lawn sprinkling applications. These guys and gals with their radar images on prime time seemed to be telling me what they thought I wanted to hear . . . and I did. They got it right with their high-80 degree swimming temperatures, but I had to refill my pool without skyward help. Same for my browning yard. Now comes the end of August, football time, and my weather talkers are working hard to balance out their predictions so the end-of-year figures will make them feel good, and justify their wage increase requests.
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Growing old quotes:
‘At 20 years of age the will reigns, at 30, wit, at 40, the judgment.? — Franklin
‘Old wood best to burn, old wine best to drink, old friends to trust, old authors to read.? –Bacon
‘In youth the days are short and the years long; in old age the years are short and the days long.? — Panin
‘Enjoy today.? — JAS

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