North Oakland VFW Post 334 held its annual election of officers on Thursday, May 10. Post 334 meets in the Club Room in the lower level of the Knights of Columbus Hall located at 1400 Orion Road.
The newly elected officers include Ernest W. Baker, Commander; James Trumble, Senior Vice Commander; Franklin Cobb, Junior Vice Commander and Officer of the Day and Wesley M. Klein, Quartermaster.
Other officers include William Conger, Adjutant; Gary Clouse, Post Advocate; Joseph Zikewich Service Officer; Leo Thomas, Chaplain and Leland Uhl, Surgeon. The new Trustees are James Delaney, Conrad Konczal and John Hart. James Trumble will also serve as Community Service Officer, Buddy Poppy Chairman and the Posts National Home Representative. Other positions include Clarence Rossman, Post Historian; Joseph Mastromatteo, DDS., Hospital Chairman; Roger Lemirande, Legislative Chairman; Conrad Konczal, POW-MIA Chairman and Robert Woodcum, Guard and Homeless Vets Chairman.
The present 63 members of Post 334 served either in World War II, Korea, Vietnam or Desert Storm and members live in Lake Orion, Oxford, Metamora, Leonard and Rochester. For more information about the Post veterans may call Ernie Baker at (248)391-6933. VFW Post 334 was started in 1984 and in that year the State of Michigan ranked number one in the country in VFW membership.