My Realty

The last time I spoke directly to the Clarkston community, I was anguished and disconcerted. My heart was taken for quite a ride as my puppy Sasha passed away on April 5.
Updating the community is one of my main priorities, especially since the community showed great support.
On May 18, I had a date with the Grand Blanc Court House; and on that same day, I achieved victory.
As the breeder and myself stood at the podium in front of the judge, I was confident my story would speak for itself. When the breeder began to discuss her side, I knew the case was going to take a while.
The breeder, we’ll call her Lisa, completely misrepresented the facts under oath. Instead of defending Sasha and her misbreeding, she personally attacked me. I decided to simply let her speak.
As it turns out, the more she spoke, the better my case. She denied all allegations, but did not know what she was in for as I prepared my side of the case. I was prepared with everything to prove her statements false from phone records to vet bills.
As the table turned my way, my emotions overflowed and I began to speak ? not as an angry person, but a person who lost their puppy. I became a little girl in that court room, as I looked to the judge with nothing but wonder on my face.
Why did it have to come to this? Why is the breeder arguing the facts? Am I going to achieve victory for my puppy?
All of these questions came to mind as the judge looked over the stack of documents I provided. After a couple moments of silence, the judge looked at the two of us and spoke these words:
‘A puppy worth $1,000 should not have died only three weeks after the purchase. I am awarding Christina Ulaj with $1,070.?
So I won.
I don’t feel as good as I thought because the money was never a motivation for me. I am alive and walking around, so with time I will be better; Sasha has passed and that is something I will always have in my mind and heart.
To the Clarkston Community, my coworkers, friends, family and the Troy Veterinary Hospital, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel as though we were in this together.
I do have a new addition to my family ? a two pound, long -haired baby Maltese, and I call her Sasha II. Once again, thank you!

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