Clarkston Garden Walk set for July 19

Six of the Clarkston area’s unique gardens will be on display during the upcoming Clarkston Garden Walk cosponsored by the Clarkston Farm and Garden Club and the Clarkston Community Education Center.
The walk will run from noon ? 4 p.m., including lunch from noon ? 1 p.m. at the Clarkston Community Education Center at 6558 Waldon Road. Tickets cost $20 ($22 with lunch).
‘It’s never been done to my knowledge. This is a new thing we’d really like to establish,? said Mary Jane Scharfenkamp, publicity chair for the Clarkston Farm and Garden Club. ?(Both groups thought) this would be something new to try and there are gorgeous gardens in the community.?
‘We wanted to do something that would embrace the community,? said Marilyn Allyn, the Director of Adult Community Education for Clarkston Schools. ‘After knowing some of the members of the Clarkston Farm and Garden Club and seeing what they do in the community, we wanted to have a garden walk.?
Allyn credited Beth Kerr with initiating the endeavor. Kerr was out of town when The Clarkston News contacted the Clarkston Community Education Center.
According to Scharfenkamp, the walkers will receive a pamphlet discussing the plants in the gardens, which will range in style from a five-acre plot with several types of gardens to a dooryard garden. The gardens were known to the club members or recommended when members called around, said Scharfenkamp.
‘We have pretty small gardens to very large ones with diverse settings. They provide lots of ideas for people to improve what they’re working with at home,? said Scharfenkamp.
‘One of the things that might be relatively unique in all the gardens in the Metro Detroit area is we’ll have an artist working in their medium in the garden. At each garden there will be a musician. It won’t just be the beauty of the garden,? said Scharfenkamp.
In addition to the walk, visitors will have the opportunity to visit a boutique and see the new renovations completed at the Clarkston Community Education Center in March of 2006.
‘We hope this will be the flag star year and will grow in the future,? said Allyn.
All proceeds from the walk go to the Clarkston Farm and Garden Club and the Clarkston Community Education Center. For more information, call 248-623-4321.

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