Library book kits keep Clarkston in tune with reading

For the second year in a row, the Independence Township Library is offering free book group kits to area reading groups in hopes of sparking interest in different book titles and creating discussion.
‘It’s a way of sharing the wealth,? Patience Beer, head of adult services, said.
The kits, ready to go in bright yellow canvas tote bags, are made up of books used by the library for their own in-house discussion groups. Instead of storing the books away, they are ready for area reading groups to borrow.
‘Once we started buying multiple copies of books for our group, we thought it was logical to get more mileage off them,? Beer said.
Last year 31 kits were checked out by 21 different book groups. This year 42 kits are ready to use.
The increase in the number of book kits is the result of added titles to this year’s selections. New titles include ‘Saul and Patsy? by Charles Baxter, ‘Heart of Darkness? by Joseph Conrad and ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn? by Betty Smith.
‘It serves as a source of suggestion for books,? Beer said. Often the titles available at the library are choices book groups might not have considered.
Reserving a kit is easy. One member from the book group is designated as the contact person and is responsible for signing the kits in and out. The bags are loaned as one unit for eight weeks.
‘It gives the group time to pick up the books, read the books and get ready for their meetings,? Beer said.
Beer also tries to include discussion materials, such as questions and author background information, whenever possible.
‘They really like the idea because it makes it easy for them,? Beer said. ‘We’ve done the assembly for them.?
Beer suggests looking over this year’s available titles and reserving kits in advance.
The Independence Township Library isn’t the only library to offer book group kits. Other libraries in the area also have similar services available, according to Beer.
A list of this year’s books is currently available at the library as well as online at For more information, call the library at (248) 625-8852.

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