Board rallies behind Thomas, rejects call for resignation

A proposed resolution calling for the resignation of Oakland Schools trustees ? including Clarkston’s Janet Thomas ? was not on the ‘action items? portion of Monday’s Clarkston school board agenda.
The resolution, proposed by the board of directors of the Oakland County School Board Association, was instead included on the ‘discussion items? agenda. Clarkston trustees discussed the issue, but took no action.
The association’s resolution came on the heels of similar resolutions from the Oakland County School Superintendents Association (which Clarkston Superintendent Al Roberts did not endorse) and calls from state officials (including Governor Jennifer Granholm) for the resignation of all Oakland Schools trustees who were in office during the tenure of now-departed superintendent James Redmond.
Thomas is the only trustee of the original five-member board who has not resigned. She has taken the position that her experience will help the new intermediate board work through the aftermath of reported financial scandals.
While representatives of Oakland County’s 28 local school boards elect members of the intermediate school district, there was some disagreement among Clarkston trustees as to whether the county association could call for their resignation.
‘I think they put the cart before the horse,? President Karen Foyteck said. ‘It’s not within the realm of their authority.?
‘There is no recall process for us,? Secretary Steve Hyer said. ‘This is the vehicle we would use to do that, [but] I don’t feel at this time we need to take any action.?
Foyteck said the latest board resignations have again delayed the selection of a new intermediate district superintendent, since replacement trustees must be selected.
‘They are now at a standstill again,? she said.
Roberts said the process is more of an issue than the personalities involved, because those calling for a clean sweep of the intermediate board would force five new members to choose a new superintendent and guide the future of the intermediate district.
‘I don’t believe that’s good policy,? Roberts said.
Thomas, who served on the Clarkston school board for many years, received high praise from her former colleagues.
Even if Thomas had voiced concern or objections over the spending of Oakland Schools tax dollars, she would have been ‘a voice that stood alone,? according to Trustee Sheila Hughes.
‘Janet probably couldn’t have changed things without the support of the rest of the [intermediate] board,? Hughes said. ‘If there was anyone who ever scrutinized a contract, it was Janet Thomas.?
Trustee Mary Ellen McLean said those calling for the mass resignations are going beyond the bounds of their authority.
‘They’re doing the same thing everyone is accusing the intermediate school district of doing,? McLean said.
Trustee Tony Miller, while admitting he had never worked with Thomas, wondered how other school boards are voting on the resolution, and asked if the board is ready for the ‘headlines? about their support of Thomas.
‘There was misconduct, and people lost their jobs,? Miller said.
While admitting that other school boards may support the resolution, Hyer said it doesn’t matter.
‘I don’t mind being one out of 28 on this issue,? he said.
‘As long as we’re prepared for that,? Miller said.
‘There are a lot of districts that will go along with this,? Foyteck said. ‘This whole thing has become a political nightmare.?

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