2 Topics:

2 Topics: Ballot props and Phyllis Diller
Now that I have my absentee voters ballot in hand I can assume a whole bunch of others do, too.
Of course I have an opinion on the six constitutional proposals. Only Prop One could veto a present law. The other five all would amend the State Constitution.
I’ll be voting ‘yes? on Prop One which authorizes the governor to appoint an emergency manager to act in place of local government officials.
That is the current law.
As for the other five, the writers of our State Constitution wrote it right, in my opinion, and now special interest groups (unions, energy interests, etc) want to install language benefiting their interests directly and not the public wellness.
I oppose such action for not being in the public interest, but centered on a belief that will benefit only those backing these changes to our Constitution.
That leaves me with five “NO” votes, and one YES on the proposals.
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Phyllis Diller was a mother of five when her husband suggested she go public with her humor.
She took her 1-liners to great heights, often with self-deprecating lines.
? Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.
? Best way to get rid of kitchen odors: eat out.
? I asked my hairdresser what would look good on me. She says a Los Angeles Rams football helmet.
? I spent seven hours in a beauty shop? and that was for estimates.
? My husband Fang was so dumb I once said, “There’s dead bird.” He looked up
? For Fang, getting out of bed in the morning was a career move.
? I’m the only woman who can walk in Central Park at night and reduce the crime rate.
? My mother-in-law had a pain beneath her left breast. Turned out to be a trick knee.
? Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.
? The only parts left in my original body are my elbows.
? When I go to the beach the tide won’t come in.
And finally . . .
? You (I) know you’re getting old if they have discontinued your blood type, and if your walker has an airbag.
Phyllis Diller – July 17, 1917 – August 20. 2012
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For several years my 3-day-a-week daily Detroit News has had a “Grapevine” column on page 2A
Reading it has become a habit mostly because I seldom recognize any names though I’m sure names are the purpose of the column..
Like: “Twilight” stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pallinson are probably known to da yut. You know, people under 30.
Other names in this column are Don Lake, Chris O’Dowd, Lil’ Wayne, Avril Lavigna, Jason Aldean, Dierks Bentley and Brad Paisleys.
What’s happened to me probably happened to my daddy. As he aged names that were familiar to me and editors would have made a “Grapevine” column.
Names like Liz Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Walter Pigeon, Van Johnson, Lana Turner, Janet Leigh and even Dean Martin, while popular with me were likely unknown to daddy.
There’s some good in aging.

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